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01/11/23 6:59 PM

#397746 RE: lizzy241 #397744

Lizzy, back in the day (2018) I used to hope for a cash + stock buyout so as to slowly take the cap gains. But now, I will take any arrangement.
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golf stud

01/11/23 7:02 PM

#397747 RE: lizzy241 #397744

Please not before the brave study results are revealed as I think it will be positive !!!

I am sure Denner understands this and could be a huge boost to the overall buyout value
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01/11/23 7:56 PM

#397771 RE: lizzy241 #397744

Lizzy, as a response to you and some others that responded to my earlier post:

First off, I am 100% going to vote in favor of Denner if and when it comes to the vote.

What I am saying is that I am not entirely comfortable with turning over COMPLETE control of the company to someone (anyone) that has not clearly articulated their intentions.

We do not know what Denner's intentions are. Someone stated that "his intentions are to get the company sold ASAP." Ummmm, no, I don't think that's true. And he has STATED in the past that he takes his time, and is never in a rush to get a company sold. So this "process" could take 3 years. But we just don't know.

What if (and this is a massive "IF") his intentions are to take the company private at $5 a share? Sure, some people here will be thrilled! But many of us will NOT be thrilled. I did NOT waste my time and my investment dollars to get 5 bucks, and watch some hedge fund turn around and sell HIS new company to Novartis for 25 bucks.

Do I think that will happen? No. Pretty sure it won't. But again - we do NOT know.

The bottom line is, if Denner gets SEVEN board seats, we are putting COMPLETE control in his hands, with NO idea what his plan is for the company.

So again, I'm voting for Denner's recommendation no matter what. But I *think* I might be more comfortable if Amarin offered him TWO board seats, and he accepted.

Now, if Denner comes out and clearly articulates what he would like to see happen (more than just "we need them to move faster and focus on cost containment, blah blah blah") prior to the proxy vote (and I like what I hear), then I might be inclined to be VERY supportive of total board control. But I really wish Denner would better articulate what his intentions are.

And please don't tell me "Denner's intentions are to maximize stockholder value". That's a given. He's a hedge fund manager, of course that's what he wants. But that doesn't articulate anything concrete. Despite what everything thinks, the Board and Management's intentions are to maximize shareholder value too. They just haven't done a great job of it yet. I just want to be sure that Denner is not going cause more harm than good.