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01/10/23 3:36 PM

#397479 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Cool. You put your faith in the current “leadership” that saw the stock price fall from $26 to $1.05. Others will put their faith in Denner. Good luck to all except Isquanderer.
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01/10/23 3:45 PM

#397482 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Rather than the worshippers of Denner, it is because the amrn management team lives in their utopian world, not the reality in US, but the punishment is on shareholders not them.
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golf stud

01/10/23 3:47 PM

#397483 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Sorry bird but I don’t follow this thinking. Since Denner has gotten involved good things have begun to happen and it certainly seems like management has picked up its game as a result.

Does Denner clean house? Who knows but I am willing to bet some of the dead wood on the board will eventually be gone and that is a good thing IMO
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01/10/23 3:53 PM

#397486 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

I don't worship Denner but I like his ideas about cleaning up this current board that has done nothing but lose money for most shareholders.
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01/10/23 4:03 PM

#397491 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Birdbrain' To be honest that is some of the worst c**p i have read in a long time:

There really are a lot of Denner worshipers on this board. As a contrarian, that makes me want to run the other way. For one thing, the press release they put out reads in a way that makes me picture an adult man, perhaps Denner, standing on the street outside Amarin headquarters in nothing but a diaper, stomping his feet and screaming to be let in. Like a bully. Like a baby. It reads like somebody was drunk when they wrote it

You sound like one of the F4 receivers of millions of shares while the stock got hammered - lost more than 80% in 8 months after KM took over alone.

Finally there is someone' - with a record of gaining value for stockholders - going after Bod and MGT - and you act like an offended baby. Are you part of Amarin staff ?
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01/10/23 4:10 PM

#397495 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Birdbrain: It's pretty simple really. One has to ask themselves; Do we believe in a Company with a current Management and Board of Directors who;
>Refused to support EPADI efforts for reinstating our patents
>Was silent for so long, incommunicado to it's shareholders and its failure to listen to shareholders.
>Supported "Dead Wood" directors at the cost of shareholder value
>Allowed themselves stock options and raises not based upon any performance goals
>Management and BOD was bereft of any accountability for their actions or inactions.
>Squandering of an Asset VASCEPA (Patent protection) which has a time value
>Did I leave anything out?

Alex Denner on the other hand;
>Provided some hope to the shareholders during times of dire need
>Supported an Open dialogue and made his desires known to Amarin. Amarin refused to acknowledge and therefore we have the "Terse Letter" written by a drunk person? Really? I'd be pissed off as well, if I owned 25 million shares and management dissed me or my opinions.
>Denner's track record speaks for itself. He's not a corporate marauder, he's a saviour to those of us who believe in this drug. and have spent years over a decade of loyalty to Vascepa.
>Denner mirrors the desire of many on this board, we only wish he will be successful in making things right.
>Did I leave anything out?
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01/10/23 4:32 PM

#397506 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Absolutely agree with all your points.

I would add:
Only KM and the board know what is in the HN agreement and therefore only KM and Board can make a clear strategic plan to move forward.
Denner ONLY wants to make Denner money, not you and I. Happy to leverage our shares but he couldn’t care less about our fate.
I’m not sure about this latest Board appointment but the ones before were a definite improvement and a sign of the company’s shift in focus.
I’m not ready to hand my votes over to the screaming kid in diapers yet, but I will listen to his plan and decide on voting day.
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01/10/23 5:11 PM

#397524 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Couldn't disagree more BB, but good luck.
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01/10/23 5:19 PM

#397526 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

BBI do you not remember the SP reaction when Sarrisa's name was first mentioned as being investors? It was a sweet ride.
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01/10/23 5:42 PM

#397535 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

BB...I disagree...Amarin ownes a valuable drug, proven to help the scourge of CVD, and despite that, it has still has fallen over 90% in value...Management needs a new COB to sell the company to a BP for the benefit of patients and yes... to the benefit of shareholders...Olsen is NOT the man to do it....Denner IS the man to do it!
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01/10/23 6:29 PM

#397548 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #397477

Bb, could not disagree more. AMRN management has failed. Denner's track record is of success. AMRN might fix the share price and might sell the company. Denner will sell the company! Maybe...maybe AMRN could get a better price with more time. I don't care! That means believing they won't screw me again for their own benefit and make no mistake about it, they are the only one's who have benefitted these last 3 years.