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01/09/23 2:04 PM

#397299 RE: ralphey #397298

daytime power to pump water

During a heatwave. In the southwest, which is experiencing a years-long drought.

You can go back to being important now.
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01/09/23 8:56 PM

#397319 RE: ralphey #397298

ralphey; if you're talking hydroelectric power just the opposite happens. Utilities pump at night and run turbines during the day. Provided they have enough water in the reservoirs. Lake Powell (Glen Canyon Dam) and Lake Mead (Hoover Dam) are at the historical lows. They're not producing any power. You do present an interesting point however. Running simultaneous systems (generator) and (pumps) is not very cost efficient as this cuts into Utility profits. Utilities want to maximize profits, so, they'll produce power during the day and sell it at Peak prices. They'll pump at night using Off-peak power.

Renewable like Photovoltaic particularly, the electricity would have to be stored, to be used afterhours. This would require huge battery banks (not cost effective). There are Solar Generators (focused arrays on a tower). That provide Thermal energy that drives a turbine generator. This thermal energy can be stored and run the turbine. This only works for a few hours after the sun goes down.

The dilemma, particularly in California, is you have huge daytime demand especially in the summer. AC requirements are probably the number #1 user of electricity. Hence the dilemma with having expensive renewables with no backup for night time off-peak loads.

California cut off it's nose to spite it's face. Our country has 435 years of coal deposits left. 90 years worth of uranium. Wind generators need replacing, photovoltaic panels last about 20 years max,
Sorry California, but your screwed, better get your Nukes back up and generating before you don't have enough power to run your blenders. Charging an electric car? Fat chance.
An example of how to do it; France generates 70% plus of it's electricity needs using Nuclear Power. Germany (3 Nukes), they buy extra nuclear power from France. Which country is worse off during an energy crisis? Anyone, anyone? Now couple that with the Russian oil sanctions and "You my friends have the Perfect Storm.". France should be able to reimburse. Stick that up your periscope Germany.