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01/02/23 8:39 AM

#227764 RE: Researchfyi #227763

For there to be a major order, the buyer would have to overlook the possible consequences of this being a Chinese controlled company with volume manufacturing out of China via a CCP controlled company (like some folks here overlook). Just a few years ago, the likes of Apple and Ford were announcing aggressive expansion plans for China. Not so much today. A lot has changed in the relationship with China and not for the better. The likes of Apple and Ford is one thing, a penny pusher with no infrastructure in the US is another. It was hard to sell this package to begin with. I do not see the stars lining up in our favor.
Of course it could, and should, all change and the relationship (not a conspiracy theory) will get better. However, right now a serious person would have to
think twice about awarding a major contract to this company. Maybe that is what is happening here.


01/02/23 8:39 AM

#227765 RE: Researchfyi #227763

For there to be a major order, the buyer would have to overlook the possible consequences of this being a Chinese controlled company with volume manufacturing out of China via a CCP controlled company (like some folks here overlook). Just a few years ago, the likes of Apple and Ford were announcing aggressive expansion plans for China. Not so much today. A lot has changed in the relationship with China and not for the better. The likes of Apple and Ford is one thing, a penny pusher with no infrastructure in the US is another. It was hard to sell this package to begin with. I do not see the stars lining up in our favor.
Of course it could, and should, all change and the relationship (no conspiracy theory) will get better. However, right now a serious person would have to
think twice about awarding a major contract to this company. Maybe that is what is happening here.


01/02/23 12:16 PM

#227768 RE: Researchfyi #227763

Happy New Year to our most respected and consistent reporter on the most mystical of all "investments". While I have reduced my LQMT holdings and loath the failures during the past 13 years I continue to battle with FOMO, wondering daily when the "blood will run in the streets" signalling capitulation and a dramatic "corner turn".

Regardless of Li's policy of silence I think the LQMT community has done a hell of a job searching for and identifying reasons for FAILURE and motivations for HOPE. The tension between these two facts/emotions are akin to watching a 13 year serial on NETFLIX that keeps a watcher tuning in over and over again awaitig the conclusion, and, an explanation of what events have happened, when they happened, and, why things continures to happen, or not.

You and others have chronicaled all such events and reached severial positive and negative reviews on each ... sometimes watching a jaw dropping unexplained action and reaching opposite conclusions.

To wit:
1) Apples buy in during 2010
2) "Partnerships" with multiple serious companies
3) The "low hanging fruit' strategy
4) The effort to enlist "MSR's"
5) The $64M infusion
6) The purchase of a facility that was not electronically outfitted properly
7) The shut down of a building that was promised to enhance manufacturing tasks on the horizon.
8) Production facilites in China that provided new hope for mass production capacities that would soon surface.
9) Low trading volumes signalling a reluctance to sell by people who are or should be "in the know".
10 - 20) etc, etc, etc.

It's clear to me that all the actions of the past are reasons to have HOPE while at the same time viewing tham as abject FAILURE. Perhaps selling by Gargol and TC was the smart thing yo do or maybe they were premature. The odd, intoxicating and addictive nature of the puzzle remains unsolved. I'll leave it up to smarter people than I to determine if this condition is fair.

FACTS are something we know and HOPES are fantasies that we wish would become facts. Sinking our hard earned cash into something deserves better,