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12/28/22 12:28 PM

#207416 RE: brooklyn13 #207415

Yes...didn't read the link yet...but yes. Japan and Germany never had a chance because of oil. We supplied Britain with an endless supply. Now I'll read the link :)...


12/28/22 12:36 PM

#207418 RE: brooklyn13 #207415

Oil AND iron/steel

"America, first under President Herbert Hoover and then Franklin D. Roosevelt initially responded with diplomatic protests. When they failed to curb Japanese aggression, Roosevelt upped the ante. In 1938, the State Department advised banks at home and abroad not to extend credit to Japanese businesses. In 1939, the United States terminated the 1911 commercial treaty between the United States and Japan. This led to an American embargo initially of airplanes, parts, machine tools, and aviation gasoline. The embargo was expanded in 1940 to include oil, iron and steel scrap, and other commodities. Sharing America’s concerns, Great Britain and the Netherlands joined in the economic embargo.

Japanese leaders had already done the math, and the numbers were ugly. If the situation remained unchanged, Japan faced economic ruin within two years. "

Sanctions do not work. Nott against a nation like Japan with virtually no significant natural resources, and certainly nott against Russia which has more natural resources than all of the Western nations combined AND a recent history of fighting a desperate war that killed over 20 million Soviets and imposed crushing hardships on the entire nation of the USSR (see, e.g., In re:Siege of Leningrad). These folks will nott throw in the towel just because they cannot get the latest iPhone model with~OUTT going thru China to buy it. The ONLY way one can gett a Russian to submit is to somehow separate them from the supply of vodka.