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12/28/22 10:10 AM

#8391 RE: pack10 #8390

Are you sure the chart you’re using isn’t upside down?

Can you explain how borrowing money makes you richer??

You're going to miss this opportunity again. STRIKE TWO

Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ:CLNE) entered into a four-year $150M sustainability-linked senior secured term loan with Riverstone Credit Partners, managed by Riverstone Holdings (OTC:REVSF).

Paying interest on that for 4 years (or more) sure pushes the expectations of profits back a long ways

Is this a new concept for you ?

There was only news of more expenses in that PR

And HOPE-ium

Thrilled, rapid development, big plans, great success, yada, yada, yada ….

No words that connect to financial sustainability….

…. or (gasp!) .. profits

Maybe those come later …..


A little bump up today, currently $5.13

It’s going to be <$4.50 long before it ever sees $6 again, IMO

You’re welcome
