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12/22/22 1:47 PM

#394082 RE: Foosfund #394064

Interesting question.

Could it be that the expected Peer Review is under review at Nature?

Well, that’s an interesting consideration.

Yes, it is noteworthy that the people who publish or edit Nature made this proclamation:

Another Alzheimer's drug, called blarcamesine - developed by Anavex Life Sciences in New York City - will continue to make its way through clinical trials. Blarcamesine activates a protein that improves the stability of neurons and their ability to connect with each other.

Of course, Nature is a premier, world-class science journal. Every researcher wishes that his or her science research article would be accepted and be published in this journal. Virtually nothing published in Nature is questioned. All high-quality, leading-edge science.

The person or team that wrote this statement about blarcamesine and Anavex Life Sciences was not ignorant about any of the relevant issues. Nature simply does not publish tangential, offhand remarks about science advancements.

So, yes, are they aware of a journal article Anavex might have submitted to Nature? Has the internal peer review of the submitted article authenticated both the profound efficacy and safety of blarcamesine as an Alzheimer’s therapy? Seems plausible. Anavex has stated that a peer-reviewed article on the Alzheimer’s/blarcamesine clinical trial will be forthcoming. Let’s see if it will be in Nature.