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12/10/22 1:09 AM

#546852 RE: CrashOverride #546843

Thank you.


12/10/22 1:20 AM

#546854 RE: CrashOverride #546843

Hmmm. Imagine what “that” proprietary “system”, IF, is worth????? That could double todays market cap. Lol. Somebody’s got something, though (to your point)… and it’s on some somebodies. Best, all. Takes a village. Night. Too much coffee today, or something.

X Master

12/10/22 1:32 AM

#546858 RE: CrashOverride #546843

They knocked a Billion off of the market cap on 5/10.... Jerks.
If it does go to court the MM would definitely be crucified by any jury for delaying a cancer cure. I'm pretty sure their lawyers already explained that to them.


12/10/22 7:19 AM

#546878 RE: CrashOverride #546843

FINRA's online records stop at 12-2-22... I find this fact very interesting....


12/10/22 9:11 AM

#546903 RE: CrashOverride #546843

Remember the 2018 Annual Shareholder Meeting when Les almost gave it away? It was clear that Northwest Bio knew their stock was being manipulated and developed a plan to gather the electronic forensic evidence. It doesn’t sound to me like they plan to settle, and I think the lawsuit is bigger than some realize . . .

Question 5: Can NWBO overcome all of the forces that are aligned against them?

Answer (LG): "We're still here. Lots of people didn't think we would be."

(LP) "I can only give a couple of comments from a personal perspective. Everyone in this company is committed in a deeply personal way to this company and this technology, for whatever their respective, personal reasons are. Nobody would go through this degree of abuse for this long a period of time for a business, and certainly not to collect a salary paycheck, as is regularly suggested on the message boards. I personally think that if we could get through what we've gone through the last three years, I kind of think we can get through anything. The year 2015, we had come out . . . we had just made very strong presentations, I believe many parties were surprised, at AACR, the largest research conference in the world, and ASCO, the largest clinical conference in the world. We were hit with multiple class-action lawsuits, we were hit with the anonymous Internet report, we were hit with an attempted hostile takeover. We were hit with just incredible things. When we look back on it now, it's just amazing. In 2016 and 2017, were pretty horrific in their own way. And I've must say, this team, everything we do we do as a team. We do everything by unanimity. Management and the board, we have just kept doggedly putting one foot in front of the other. And we do say to ourselves not infrequently, 'well, we're not dead yet.' And we take satisfaction in the fact that somewhere there's a conference room with the bad guys in it who are saying to themselves, 'what does it take to kill these people?' Because what's been thrown at us, stock manipulation, you name it, is staggering. But, this team will never give up. We might be crushed like a bug but we will never give up. And at this point, with the dataset . . . I hope everyone can appreciate the year 2018. The year 2018, at least in my perspective, was really transformative for us. We came out with two sets of interim data from the clinical trial. It's not the final data, it's not unblinded. The future may look different. That's a classic forward-looking statement. But that interim data was . . . and I am only allowed to say really conservative things . . . that was encouraging. No one has ever seen that kind of survival in GBM with any agent or combination of agents. 'That doesn't mean the future will be the same as it has been.' I mean, that was transformative. The financial deal we did in December was transformative. I'm told that one of the bad guy commentators now says the only thing we've ever been good at is real estate. At least we are good at something. With that dataset and the commitment of this team, all I can tell you is I believe that if anyone can get through this, I think we have as good a chance as anybody to get through what we are up against."

(LG): "I only have one other thought, which I give a lot of thought to actually. In the context of your point about 'with the better our stuff gets the tougher and meaner the other guys get,' there's another word that goes with tougher and meaner and it's more brazen. And the more brazen they get, maybe they're walking into a trap. That's as far as I'm going to go, because they have been . . . we have to be conservative in what we say . . . we'll use the word 'outlandish' in how brazen they've been and the better our stuff gets, the more obvious they're going to have to get and at some point, if you have built the right things that I was talking about before, with investor relations and media and you're getting the story out there about the little engine who could, there will become a tipping point, I sincerely believe, that they'll do themselves in. And we want to be there to catch it, and that's all I'll say about it but it isn't just a one-way street where they rule the world, it gets tougher and tougher the better we get and that provides angles we can work with."

Question 8: Where are the shares coming from that are use to short NWBO's stock?

Answer (LP): "Those are great questions, I'm so glad you brought that up. I'll tell you where they'ee getting the stock from, they're getting it from all of you guys. And that's something we are painfully aware of and thinking about and that's all I'll say right now. Most people, most retail investors don't know, that when you sign up for an account with a broker, they usually steer you into a margin account even though most people aren't buying and selling stocks on margin. You're not taking debt to magnify your investment. Buried in these 100-page contracts, you know when you go and click accept, we've printed them out, these 100-page contracts, and buried in the middle of them, the broker can lend out your shares, that you bought, and you own, they can lend them out and there's only one use to can lend them out for, there aren't multiple uses and we're not sure which one they're lending them out for, there's only one use for lending shares and it's to lend them to shorts. They lend them to shorts, they receive stock loan fees as revenue to the broker for lending out your shares, and they're not required to tell you they are lending it out, they're not required to tell you the money they receive, and the only usage of lending out your shares is to drive down the value of your shares. That is the state of affairs today with brokers. And it's even worse when the brokers will put you on this OBO list where you're not even, it's not even visible that you're the shareholder. The best thing is if the shares are in your name, not the street name, not the broker's name and you don't want to be on an OBO list and you don't want to have a margin account, but a lot of the brokers make it difficult or impossible or adverse to have a different type of account. [] The best thing that you guys can do to help, is spread the word far and wide on the message boards, tell everybody, have your stock in your name, do everything possible to be in an account that is not a margin account, unfortunately from what we understand, the rules are being bent, quite far, so that even when it's not supposed to be lendable it is being lent [] at least if your shares are electronic, this really matters. Because in our company estimates are that staggering amounts, in the triple-digit millions, can be involved in this and if we have about 14,400 shareholders, and if everybody would get their shares out of this situation where the brokers are lending itm out without your knowledge, and getting paid handsomely by the shorts for doing so, and keeping that revenue, and by the way, there's lawsuits between the big boys over the amount of loan fees being paid, that's how big the money flows are coming from this. And if you have your shares in an IRA, that's the most juicy target for these brokers because you're not trading. They just sit here. And the more they just sit there the easier it is for the brokers to use them and do this. So the best thing that you guys can do to help, which would be an enormous help, is spread the word and get all the fellow shareholders to get their shares out of this situation. And dry up the supply of shares for shorting Northwest's stock."

(LG) "Let me just add one thing, we're always thinking about this. As part of my answer before, there will be programs and they will involve numerous activities. But we don't roll them out one-at-a-time, it'll be part of a total package." (LP) "We can't talk about that."

(Attendee discussion with broker who claimed NWBO is not shortable because it is a penny-stock)

(LP) "Your broker either genuinely believes that and is mistaken or they're lying to you because that's factually wrong. [] Start by putting . . . having the stock in your own name and putting it in an account that's not a margin account. Those two steps, which you'll probably get hassled about putting it in a non-margin account, but those two steps, in your own name in an account that's not margin, already is a big improvement. [] Before we leave this, let me just tell you, in the process of collecting the votes for this meeting, we had large-share owners, to the tune of many, many millions, even tens of millions of shares whose shares were missing. And the broker couldn't explain it. And we spent days and days going up and down the chain, and helping the shareholder find and get their hands on their shares. As many as 10, 15 and more millions of shares at a crack. That's the scale of what's being done here."

Courtesy of IkeEsq

Margin Buu

12/10/22 12:11 PM

#546966 RE: CrashOverride #546843


Why would Market Makers engage in this type of behavior even though the data's being recorded?

If you haven't already seen it, HBO's The Crime of the Century pretty much explains why. If a company making 10 billion dollars in profits selling opioids gets fined approx 1 billion dollars for their illegal activities and no one sees the inside of a cell, the incentive is there.

If the MMs are spoofing X number of companies and successfully bankrupts them or make it financially unfeasible to pursue anything beyond what's necessary to keep the company afloat, the incentive is there.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.. LETS GO NWBO