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12/08/22 11:39 AM

#390632 RE: Repero #390627

Missing doesn’t raise money. He puts shares to his vulture investor who then turns around and sells the shares back into the market for a quick, easy profit (at the expense of shareholders). You don’t have to be a financial wizard to do that.

Actually raising money from sophisticated institutional biotech investors is hard. The bar is high when it comes to due diligence. Deep scrutiny by sophisticated investors is not something Missling welcomes.


12/08/22 12:30 PM

#390644 RE: Repero #390627

Mild SPS responds to benzos +/- antiepileptics and baclofen

Moderate or severe requires immunomodulation -- IVIg, Rituxan or plasmapheresis


12/08/22 1:10 PM

#390655 RE: Repero #390627

Your hindsight is perfect! :-) Take a moment, then rethink it. Also, review the share price history and the timing of our issuances.