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12/06/22 9:46 PM

#544967 RE: hoffmann6383 #544940

I agree that discussion here is not going to shift voting numbers. I don't understand your math though. $ numbers adding 2018 and 2020: LP $24M, LG $14.5M. Please explain how you get $600k p.a. If they have served 15 years then LP got equal to more than $1.5M
every year and Les $1M per year. Note that these figures increase the years when the pps fell from $5 to 0.25 (actually .15 at rock bottom), in other words a 95% loss of equity to all shareholders. What happened to taking responsibility? Management got all the bonuses for all years if you look at it that way, they got well rewarded when they destroyed stockholder equity and also perfectly timed awards when the stock was at rock bottom. I don't see anything fair nor reasonable in this, regardless of how much the options will prove to be worth eventually if and when we succeed. Frankly it makes my blood boil when I think about it.

An additional concern I have is that the options plan remains in force, hence the BoD in its wisdom could still allocate 20% of count of shares added since 2020 to the options pool and then award the lions share to Linda and Les again. Shareholders will not stop that but just maybe if enough voted as a protest vote against the options awards this time it would function as a shot across the bows.

When the pool was filled to the 20% level I called Les and complained and he gave the excuse that they need options available to attract any new executive talent. Yeah, right, in fact they just gave them to Linda and Les.