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12/05/22 11:27 AM

#389197 RE: BIOChecker4 #388684

BioChecker4, excellent observation. Doc (a/k/a) the gambling doc, truly is a wealth of information which he kindly shares. He has an excellent mind. I do not like it, and will not invest in an area where somebody like that has so much more knowledge, than I do, even though I have probably made more money on anavex than any other shareholder the past decade (!). Still, I attribute this more to luck and experience than knowing what is going on the way Doc does in biotech general, or this science-medicine area in particular.

You yourself cogently observed in a recent post that Anavex has a sort of cult like following, but you did not use these words. And I am finally seeing now that the CEO may not be up to the task, which once again makes partner the company for a major indication like pdd and alz a must.
My recurring thought which has been reinforced is that this company is not a suitable investment for older investors, perhaps even people 50 and older, unless it is with a small portion of their wealth. Falconer another brain said he has a couple thousand shares at one point....Ok, I can see that, may make complete sense for a regular smart investor but there are so many here who do not understand that the key to investing is to avoid the Cat Loss, the catastrophic loss, and biotech lends itself to this danger more than any other sector.....The topic of this stock may be appealing, a wonderful hail mary pass which address the human heart as well as the brain, but this is what makes it so impractical to own. Do not get run over with good intentions. Like a boulder coming down the hill that you are not aware enough to avoid, until it crushes you. Avoid dream stocks, avoid the Sexy Beast at all times. no matter how sexy....