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12/04/22 11:50 AM

#388655 RE: blue finch #388648

The problem is that there are few real reporters anymore. Real journalism is not valued - clickbait is valued. Real journalism used to generate real revenue: the NYT, WaPo, Boston Globe, and newspapers in many major cities had extremely high quality journalism that drove circulation. Today, web revenue is the primary revenue and "newspapers" mostly just repeat cheap content (with some exceptions.)

And the newspapers are now owned by conglomerates - there are few (are there any?) local and principled owners whose priority is to serve the community interest: the goal is ad revenue and to get that you need quick hit, eye-catching stories and a lot of them. Reporters are not held accountable - and probably take money from 3rd parties. Remember the NYT article about Cassava that was essentially just hand-fed to her by shorts and unquestioningly repeated in print? She was told many times by many people that her facts were wrong and so was her thesis. Her response: double down and play the victim.

Money and not fundamental humanity drives the press. In politics, the press focuses on extreme issues from both parties (whether Fox or MSNBC) because the emotions they roil must be more profitable than were they to focus on the 100 issues that should be higher priority (and which we all agree on.) Finance is the same way - but marketing budgets from big pharma and hedge funds heavily influence what we see and how it is presented.

OTOH, I have been in a few FDA meetings and the agency is extremely methodical and professional. They will look at the data with Anavex and the right conclusion will be reached. Short term, maybe the hedge funds and their "journalists" score some points, but in the end the data will win out. Look what happened with aduhelm: Biogen thought they won, but eventually they choked on that victory.