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12/04/22 9:25 AM

#543254 RE: beachhyena #543239

Are you kidding? They have only got past Phase 1 in one indication. There is no conclusive evidence that the drug works in Brain cancer, not to mention other cancers. No buyout because it is too risky to buyout this company that may have worthless assets.
To say that BP cannot afford it is nonsensical especially when the price is under a dollar.
Celgene got bought out and had a drug that covered several indications. With respect, your argument is laughable. Over twenty years, I have heard it all. First, we have to wait until the data is final. Now that it is final, they say it is too good for a buyout. That is beyond belief.


12/04/22 9:47 AM

#543269 RE: beachhyena #543239

"what does BP bring to the table"
Manufacturing, distribution, sales, sales force, name brand, lobbyists, connections, etc..
B/O can be exchange of stock, whereas everyone benefits when SP goes higher.

Let me give one example of the real world. A friend of mine has huntingtons disease. Its worse than lou gehrigs disease, its a walking death sentence. Its hereditary. He has a brother and sister, they didnt get it. His brother wanted kids. From what I understand, brother had proceedure done where that gene is removed from his reproductive dna. He can now have kids and the disease will never be in his family again. Not covered by insurance. They would rather spend the millions in medicare coverage, than to provide 50k one time cure. My friend is in a nursing care facility, 12k a month, for the rest of his life. I'm sure there are other examples. I WANT NWBO to succeed, I WANT affordable medical care in this country and around the world. But with medical insurance so high because of lawsuits, tort reform has got to occur. Doctors should be free to help people and not have to worry about covering their butts. My soapbox moment for the day.