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wine maker

11/30/22 1:37 PM

#25329 RE: MD-2020 #25328

Yes, I agree w/ your comments. However, I just got off the phone W/ the Vassar Township official who handles all pot licenses, etc and is the person who handles the permits after approval by the Planning Commission.
Very helpful lady. Total approval by the Planning Commission w/o restrictions.
From what I understand, escrow should close on the 10 acre site any day since the PC clearances.
To be clear, I had my own doubts but after the chat w/ the Vassar Township official it is real and going to happen.
After closing of escrow then bids on land development and structures.
Vassar Township is very pro POT development in every way shape and form.
I can't believe that we are still sitting at these pathetic PPS levels.
A couple solid FAT CATS should shake ASK.
When Kugelman came on board a few months ago he was able to push PPS and volume and was I LOVE BB STOCKS w/ his followers.
I want to see major PPS advances before Christmas to keep me interested and a positive sign for shareholders.
All is not lost !!!!! My targets are still .32 to .48. Remember it hit .31 in April 2021 w/o
a real development site. We have that site and escrow is close to closing.