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Yea. It traded a few today. Can they get quotation and reporting back?
What's the next move Destiny/Dark Alpha? Your only move and shareholders (if you care) only hope is to sell the shell to someone that does care, is legit and has potential. You have "tried" a weed company, a trucking logistics company, and an AI company. Time to surrender and let someone else "try".
Josey, I think this is the end of the line and we can't sell. Would have to be a miracle to become real/profitable which this group is not capable of especially since they can't fund anything without share sales. Hoping for a shell sale to someone not incompetent with an obtainable goal.
I got out back when they were a water well company running our offices on the second floor at the Holman building. I lost about 50 grand my buddies lost more to that piece of shit.
Gump, here again we sit, awaiting the next chapter.
I believe there will be another, at some point.
Wine you were the final straw no trades since you accepted $.0001 in July.
100% on target !!. Destiny needs to understand that this DANCE IS NOT OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If a best effort was made or given then more understandable but a SCAM started when the defunct OIL CO. shell was purchased w/ no intention of making investor value or return. Our other BB shareholders seem to be in shock w/ current events or simply moved on and will take the writeoff.
I have traded for over 40 yrs. and this was my worst. I should have been smarter and less trusting. When the main Co. spokesperson tells you they don't care about PPS ( value ) that should be enough.
You can't make a DIAMOND out of a ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!
These people are the lowest of society. They scam investors trying to provide equity/seed money to fund a real concern in exchange for the promise of future returns. I don't mind when a true effort fails but when total incompetence, fraud, shell games and lack of any true effort are the reason for failure there needs to be some form of justice/accountability or the legitimacy of the pink sheet companies will continue to be questioned.
I''M OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Took a huge loss. Sale went thru at .00001. Worthless. This story is not over !!!!!!!!!!!!! Destiny could not even run a Lemonade Stand !!
You are 100% correct. A total FRAUDSTER!. I got fed a lot of SH_T. I thought that HENC would at least hit its prior .31 mark. Destiny had no interest and or ability to operate a real company.
The HENC now has no value.
The dance is not over yet !!!
Those w/ ideas call me at 717-395-2375
This guy Destiny turned out to be a total fraud just like the woman before him.
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hire an attorney or wait for it to crash totally which seems very close.
You were right. A bunch of OUTLAWS pretending to be professional businessmen !!. NO MM's. Can't even trade .
What can we do other than take a writeoff.?
This was dead in the water when it was a water, well company, Renting an office from Holloman
Clearly an "experiment" as Contact High suggested. Put a PR guy out there, let him post some limited form of hope on the chat lines, then put a weak power point presentation ( so much gibberish I could not tell what they did or wanted to do) together on the weak web page ( out of focus LinkedIn photos ) and hope they get some sort of spike in share price. That did not occur and we are swirling around the bowl now heading toward the sewer system unless a miracle/Hero emerges.
Are we dead in the water ? No MM's !!!!!!!!
What the FU_K is going on ? No market makers !!!!!! Are we totally screwed ?
Why wouldn't he make Dark Alpha Capital public with the Hero Shell?
This "experiment" has ZERO chances of doing anything. If it is sold as a shell, then shares would be even more diluted. Just look at how many shares exist. That has the potential to double. What does that do to your PPS? Makes it worth even less than it is now. Don't give them any more money. They have moved on. Their efforts are now being focused on Dark Alpha Capital. I see someone caught my offloading of my first dump of 1MM shares the other day. I have a couple million more that I'll be doing the same with. Going to drop all before end of fiscal year to write it off. I've told you all before, I was probably one of the longest holders around being a HENC employee and grabbing shares at that point(For context, I was buying shares at 0.50 at that time). This was never a real company from the point where it was broken away from Holloman Holdings. We had some challenges with the PNG exploration, but we were truly working. In the end, it didn't pan out but that's part of the Oil and gas world. You miss more than you hit. That's why there's so much money in it based on "risk". It's really unfortunate what has happened here. There was so much potential, but watching Gina get pushed out by Collin and offered the opportunity to take HENC with her. Man was that a mistake. She was blinded by many things, but this was a tale of making a bad situation worse. I should have dumped then.
I recommend that everyone do the same thing as CH. Sell before it's worth $0.00 and write it off. Don't let your ego get in the way. It will never be worth the pain. I've lost lots of money and made lots of money in these markets. This will go down as one of my biggest mistakes and I'm not afraid to admit that. Best of luck to all of you and again, DON'T GIVE THEM ANOTHER PENNY. I FORBID YOU!
What will be claiming we are good at this time, Biotech, Crypto, back to Energy?
Des wont give up control and it would be so diluted it wouldn't help any current share holder. I predict a name change and a brand new raise (new sucker reset)
Contact High, is there a universe where you buy/control the shell (if they clean it up) and shop it to a real company looking to go public on the cheap?
Sounds like the RE Owner/Broker from Indiana who was involved in the Michigan Pot deal. Not sure if he got burned or at least walked w/ BE in investment. He seemed a pretty smart chap !!. Maybe he will buy your 6 million shares since he made the introduction. The right thing to do !!.
I do not want to take the HOSE PIPE on HERO just wondering if we as a group can do anything to save our ass?
I recommended HERO to many F and F. What a giant mistake .
It was offered to me in 2020 directly purchased from the company. I Was introduced to Destiny by a big real estate broker here in town
Destiny is a certified HUSTLER and FAST TALKER but unable to deliver a real company. truly unfortunate his LLD a total waste of time !! A total disregard to shareholders. The old saying WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND and BAD KARMA !
Destiny is a certified HUSTLER and FAST TALKER but unable to deliver a real company. truly unfortunate his LLD a total waste of time !! A total disregard to shareholders. The old saying WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND and BAD KARMA !
Careful Josie, Destiny does not like to be exposed for what he is... but I guess he has given up on any pretending now so no need to defend himself or put up the false narrative of the next great thing. He had such promise coming out of Vandy with a Law Degree (if that is real) but all he learned was how to pillage at the ATM while spinning the next BS, which I am sure he has a degree in. Sorry to all who he ensnared. I inherited him from the another failed venture (two ventures ago) so I had to ride or die with him. I knew we were in trouble when he responded to unhappy posters on this board that suggested he was smoke and mirrors. Turns out the truth hurts and makes it harder to sell shares that are unearned.
Wine, I hope you didn’t buy based upon the BS destiny spewed to you.
OTC rules
Rule #1 - always do your own DD.
Rule #2 - if you’re taking directly to a CEO, it’s a problem. Always is. Especially when they are selling on on the promising future- which actually means selling shares to you to fund their salary and nothing more.
Destiny and the entire new management has amounted to a heaping pile of dogsh1t; which equally describes them as people as well.
Just wondering how and why you accumulated over 6 million shares ? As a side note last summer, Destiny told me that the phone was ringing off the hook w/ companies wanting to merge, etc.
I guess that no one wants to take us to the dance !!!!!!!!!!!!!. Time for Destiny to SH.T or get off the POT ! If he can't run the company then time for the shareholders to make the decisions .
Yes give me a call I'm willing to sell my whole 6.7 million for very cheap so I can take a tax rate off this year.
Death spiral has begun unless they sell the shell to someone real....dead money.
I will be out in Sonoma in April for the Lake Sonoma 50. If it works out, we can surely connect out there. I usually stay in Petaluma..
Unfortunately we are not dealing with honorable people. No intention of building a company. Even a million $'s in revenue would be a place to start. Most likely Destiny had the most brains w/ . A LLD You can't get those in a cracker jacks box but when he did not care about shareholder equities or PPS that was the sign and I should have been smarter myself. I was a fool. Now just trying to BE.
It is not too late for Destiny to be HERO. Better to have friends than enemies !!!.
Look for the 8's.
Time for Holloman Engineering that started this to circle back and buy the shell and take the company or a division (that makes money) public. They thought they could have someone else save the day after they failed at oil drilling by selling the shell to someone that wanted to start a weed business. That did not occur so gears were abruptly switched to an "AI" company that never got off the ground. We are certainly circling the drain if nothing occurs. So Holloman Engineering whom hopefully unintentionally screwed the shareholders of Holloman Energy and probably some of their own employees at Holloman Engineering in the process should make it right by trying to do something that stands a chance to recoup millions of dollars pumped/hyped/lost from the old Oil dry well days. I have lost money on stocks before but it feels like this one was almost deliberate in their inaction or pathetic moves after the shell sale. I am sure most of the Holloman Engineering guys that started this dream are long gone but it sure would be honorable for current leadership to attempt to see if they can right the wrongs.
Yes, for sure !!!
Time to rock this ship but not sure how?
My pleasure WM. You have my number, always welcome to use it. It was a bummer that we couldnt punch it over the goal line for you and the others. The number of video calls, documents worked on, conversations had, I just thought that we would be able to make some form of traction to get the locomotive moving. In all seriousness, give me call sometime and we can chat..
Thanks for taking the time for some clarification. your door was always open. more than i can recently say about Destiny !!. I had a few near chances to sell for an almost breakeven ie. Nov 2022 when the PPS hit .07 but greed and stupidity took over. I wanted to ring the cash register and Destiny did not even have a cash shoebox.
I don't need the writeoff so I guess that just wait for some miracle. Time for Destiny to put on his BIG BOY pants and run a company. My old line :
Hell, the kids w/ a lemonade stand in Maryland make more $ than the HERO.
John , thanks for your effort. Very much appreciated by the BB.
PS. I have still been adding to my position when possible and maybe just maybe it will rain in Calif. in July !!!!!
beg to differ brother.. With all due respect, you never tried to engage in mutual conversation.. I answered all questions, took phone calls, give open, transparent information. You may not have liked the answers, but theres nothing i could do about that.. A "voice" on the message board? I was way more than that. I openly put myself out there and took on all arrows fired in my direction.. Winemaker took me up on the offer on multiple occasions, i will let him speak on my behalf if he so wishes.. At the end of the day, the concept/shift of what HENC (Destiny) was trying to do was very much legit. Unfortunately, its extremely difficult to raise capital in an environment of rising int rates, rising inflation, but more importantly, raising capital for a company with zero assets.. If there was a piece of software, some form of sales, or just an inkling of light at the end of the tunnel, then and only then was there a glimmer of hope of raising $2-$5 million to get a small company or 2 under the belt and then try to build off that.. But again, when there is nothing on the table, 600,000,0000 shares outstanding, what PE firm, mezzanine firm or vulture firm going to put $$$ behind a "concept".. The game was going to be like starting from a 48-0 score and your getting the ball for the first time with 2 min left on the clock..
But again, just my opinion.. You seem to disagree. And thats ok. You invested money in the company and are irked at staring at a wipeout. I get it.. Been there too..