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11/28/22 10:06 AM

#539802 RE: LearningEveryTrade #539801


Unfortunately, investments are measured by share appreciation:(


11/28/22 10:08 AM

#539805 RE: LearningEveryTrade #539801

good point! Hampton and Midwestern shorts used a million shares to drive the price down by 5c. It is not working. Comical; Losers!!!!!!!!!!!


11/28/22 10:52 AM

#539843 RE: LearningEveryTrade #539801

This market cap increase is about 25%. Not bad for a year. So, despite dilution for operating costs, the market has responded well to the news of the trial and journal.

Market responded well? I don't think so.
Many said before that Interim publication will bring us to at least $3 did that happen? No.
Many said before that when TLD is release this will be BLOCKBUSTER did you see that happen in terms of share price?
Many said this will be EPIC when journal is publicize did you see that happen?
They drag and drag that HUGE PUMP they say will happen and now MIA, MAA and FDA APPROVAL. Of course Approval will be the biggest pump but until that happens everyone is proven wrong on they're speculation of the big pump. Thanks to management who can't bring this company back to a better market.
I believe that the biggest pump (Data lock) was just due to combination of a 2020 better market as so many retail at home and played the stock market and now they are back to work. Whatever news we get we can't go back to $2.50.