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11/27/22 10:49 AM

#385314 RE: sokol #385306

SOKOL...Excellent work. Thank you.
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11/27/22 12:10 PM

#385323 RE: sokol #385306

Phenomenal synopsis of 6+ years of “dot” connecting!

One of many quotes from Dr. Missling “The front end is burdensome but it will make the back end much easier to accelerate”. (Paraphrased)

What is Anavex’s highly experienced team proving? Why are we not understanding the pattern here? Are they proving SOC in Parkinsons which was quickly switched to PDD by MJFF or are they proving out a safe efficacious drug for Rett Syndrome?

Another infamous quote “when you see what we doing you will understand why we did it the way we did” (again, paraphrased)

If you had the opportunity to explore a safe and efficacious drug that may help literally save, 50%+ of the patients with a CNS disorder, from living a wretched despicable end to their long hard fought for retirement where would you start?

Dr Missling we are following the path that Oncology took if you will that helped the body first to stabilize and then allowed the body to heal itself.” ( largest stretch of a paraphrase but still in the ball park)

So in conclusion you have a road map the company is using of different trials being used to prove out ways that the body of patients are stabilized while at the same time creating ways to prove how the body goes about healing itself. The best part is [b]“what we see is but the tip of the iceburg!” as “ I see a day where we take this drug daily like aspirin to prevent the onset of CNS diseases!”

Remember to be humble as we near readouts or after TLD if it is released early. There is no need to thumb noses at skeptics or outright indignant posters as many more will come. Instead, if results are good perhaps a few prayers thanking our Lord for His continued blessings He has bestowed on us and how we may carry out His will with the “talents” he has given us.

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11/27/22 12:29 PM

#385325 RE: sokol #385306

I can get behind your post...not just because of your references, but those measures actually measured highly in past trials. It is why MMSE is not an endpoint. That is where 2-73 didn't help much. So of course the standard measurement of MMSE will not be used by Anavex.

The debate that we used to have around here is whether or not the FDA will approve based on activities of daily living alone. I think yes these days, because if someone can go to the bathroom themselves is a huge plus regardless of cognitive levels.
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11/27/22 10:46 PM

#385394 RE: sokol #385306

sokol, Thank you for sharing your in-depth research.
I hope that we get a PR that we all have hoped for years this week.