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11/26/22 11:05 PM

#339482 RE: Russ777 #339481

Uh, this turd is not in the board game industry. They got rid of Mourning. Starlit Citadel, and the entire fulfillment/distribution biz - and they were able to sell all of that for exactly NUFFIN.

Used to own the supply chain - now has no need for any chain as it has nothing to supply. (Well, they prolly still have a bunch of dusty, unsold KTU games that even a factorer will nott take for pennies on the Dollar. The Clownshow is good at one thing - LOSING.)

And unsaleable leftover inventory - nott just KTU games and cards, butt all the Gro3 units and all the silverware and plates at Guelph (also CLOSED and unsaleable - worth NUFFIN, just like all the other shit - NSI, Ku Kum, Coq O‘DaWok).

Why did _____Ben come to Rgerinocchio? Because he had to - SnL was in a cash flow bind after AURELIA PEYNOT left and went back to France and ___Ben needed a way to cover the LOSSES. What better way than reverse merging into a pennyscam ticker which can dilute the pennyvestors using CONvertible debt note sales to cover losses.

And here today this shit ticker has a fully diluted common stock commitment of 1.75 Billion when you CONvert all the notes (w/comound interest) and the insider-held CNvertible preferred shares.

Great work, guys!

The Clownshow are garbage collectors. They pick up unviable, munny-losing crap, hold it for awhile, then close it down and cannot even sell it for even a Dollar.


11/27/22 3:20 PM

#339487 RE: Russ777 #339481

There was ZERO cafe revenue increase Q over Q

But negative net profits WORSENED by -$500,000 for just 1 quarter

pinch one

11/30/22 5:34 PM

#339529 RE: Russ777 #339481

Yes Russ !