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11/16/22 12:53 PM

#533246 RE: HappyLibrarian #533242

I don't understand why you would persist in labeling this a journal article.

The application of form over substance is quite inappropriate if one takes just a moment to consider.

Assuming for the purposes of argument that you are literally correct, it is the equivalent of the "I'm not touching you" game that I played with my little brother when I was younger. In that instance I was also technically correct that I was not touching him, as my finger was one inch from his nose.


11/16/22 1:01 PM

#533255 RE: HappyLibrarian #533242

This is complete bullshit. Every abstract was coded as a JA. Sometimes you have to do a little critical thinking. This Abstract is simply an abstract as stated in the title


11/16/22 1:39 PM

#533286 RE: HappyLibrarian #533242

You’re 100% wrong about this. This is conference abstract, period end. I agree it’s confusing but this is a fact. Journals of societies will often publish the abstracts being presented at the annual meetings. This is separate from a full manuscript which may be published any month of the year after standard peer review.


11/16/22 3:16 PM

#533352 RE: HappyLibrarian #533242

Every major conference publishes abstracts of the talks and posters presented at the conference in a supplement to their journal. These are referred to as "published abstracts" - they are not at all the same as peer-reviewed journal articles published in the regular journal issues.