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11/08/22 11:22 AM

#227096 RE: Researchfyi #227093

Nah, the available DD is right there in front of us (as you have repeatedly pointed out) but are ignored by a crowd hell bent on pitting HOPE against REALITY. The facts are documented and are clear for all to see.

Beyond trying to figure out what the company plans to do in the future we are left only with their ?Crazy? behavior of the past 20 years (to include archaic type "efforts" to behave like a real company to no avail) from which to guide our future actions.

The only conclusion that makes sense is that the company has been and are currently populated by inept people who have tried and failed. Apparently they have also lost all of their enthusiam to get up off the canvass and fight with some sort of urgency involved ..... that is the stuff of stale movie plots that have long lost their attraction as well. They (whoever "they" really are or have been) are doing no more than running out the clock waiting for a miracle to happen "to" them rather than "BY" them.

Not much to research and draw DD I'm afraid. The list of distractions thrown up to keep people hooked have all been listed and analyzed, to death ... it is a wonder that adults like us continue to hold onto our LQMT lottery tickets but I suppose we are no different from the POWER BALL players waiting for the drawing to happen to put an end to our misery.

Good luck to LQMT shareholders indeed .. we are only steps away from the chopping block and are going to need all the luck we can get AND we are going to need it real soon .... Guess I've written or thought that thought a millioin times before.