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11/01/22 11:24 PM

#131499 RE: Real McCoy #131498

can you supply the form 4 where he disposed of his 1,000,000 shares?


11/02/22 7:09 PM

#131504 RE: Real McCoy #131498

Mr. McCoy, in the interests of maximum courtesy, I'll respond to your three incorrect statements, which here are taking on a veneer of being almost a religious mantra, for the last time. This particular issue has been addressed time and time again. We could say, "OK, Mr. McCoy, you win." If we did, you could retire from the field a victor, victor in animo tuo, if you will.

But historical facts are eternal.

1. Just a question to #1. Are you saying Mr. Eno's "Golden Parachute" when leaving BioAmber (or was he not a recipient of the "usual" golden parachute company executives customarily get, even in the case of bankruptcy) ... uh ... being the first thing companies find the funds to distribute -- you're saying that Eno's Golden Parachute was ZERO as in $0.00?
2. False. By the September 1, 2018, he had 1,000,000 shares. We presume he vested his options, since he already had shares in his portfolio.
3. Having 600K shares to vest by Summer's end, with "deal" not finalized until mid October 2018, and while BIOAQ was still trading, Mr. Eno rounded out his holdings to 1 million shares by purchasing 400K shares in July 2018. No reason to question my Integrity on this point. I'm just reporting the facts.

These are facts. Accept them or reject them. But there is no reason to return to this subject. If there's something you doubt, do your own Due Diligence and activate your discernment. I believe you'll find answers to your questions in the iHub record of messages throughout the summer of 2018. It may take some time to got through them all though.