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#95821 RE: AllinFun #95783

COUNTDOWN to Thursday, November 10, 2022
..oral argument

AllinFun post #95783
Monday, October 24, 2022 1:05:33 PM

We want to know who settled, for what amount and if the asset changed ownership, if so - what asset was gained on sale of the asset. And no we don’t want to be referred to an arbitration where all the parties involved have been completely suspicious in all actions taken thus far to keep shareholders in the dark. An arbitration where none of the parties can be held liable for misleading information such as the bogus $125 million number.

Cisco was ordered to put $1.9 billion for a tech that was much less influential than UOIPs… and somehow there are some here that believe the $125 million.

it’s very simple. Unseal - why would you keep everything sealed if the amount is already in the publics hands?
Otherwise why fight so hard to keep everyone in the dark.

AllinFun post #95578
Monday, August 15, 2022 11:10:21 AM

you don't pursue a lawsuit for $130 million+ from the 1 infringer (who happens to be a small amount of infringement amongst the group of 13) to then accept $125 million globally. If Carter wanted and needed money so bad that he was willing to accept $125 million, he would have gotten that a long time ago. The defendant had zero leverage giving up on the first day of trial.

AllinFun post #95711
Thursday, October 13, 2022 8:29:46 AM

It would be wise of them to begin thinking about a plan of how to make shareholders feel they walked away from this as fair as possible given the circumstances. And if they continue to try and hide the truth, it could mean hard time. This is all assuming the new Judge continues on the path he has already started and acts in good faith of the law.

AllinFun #95785
Monday, October 24, 2022 1:06:56 PM

Why did Bentham receive 20-25% net of attorney fees if the case was on contingency? They are lying for a reason.

AllinFun post #95696
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:18:05 AM

..this Judge is actually doing his job and questioning Deidre/Carter's team of con-men on their reasoning for having everything sealed.

hilarious that a party releases information in an arbitration (where there is no penalty for total lies) about a $125 million number - but yet demands all documents be sealed and heavily redacted.

coincidental that Cisco's tech assets jumped $1.3 billion in July 2020 for year end in June 2020 (quick reminder this case settled in June and the asset was "sold"). Right about that time - Raskin told CBV how much the settlement was. If you go back 2 years prior to this fiscal year end change - Cisco had zero changes to their tech asset on the books.

Inquiring minds want to know - why keep everything sealed if there is nothing to hide according to their $125 million claims in arbitration and their willingness to release this information recently. Pretty weird that a major player in this entire case suddenly added $1.3 billion worth of assets to their tech portfolio. I'll bet at this point that the $125 million is a total bogus number, or a global settlement number contingent upon the sale of the patent.

AllinFun post #95696
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:09:45 AM

Seems the con group of lawyers are getting very antsy. I would be too when this Judge is actually doing his job and questioning why everything has been demanded to be sealed to this day. Why have everything sealed? NDA you say? Show the executed NDA with the MSOs, and please don't forge an agreement Mr. Brauerman.

The con group of lawyers tried to misconstrue the entire circumstance with Rader with a fake story, better hope the Judge does his job on this one and actually reads the filings.

AllinFun posst #95579
Monday, August 15, 2022 11:28:37 AM

There is a very clear reason why they continue to keep everything sealed, but leak this $125 million settlement garbage to the public. You really think they are stupid enough to risk another lawsuit from the defendant for leaking settlement details when there was a NDA in place. Not to mention why keep everything sealed at this point if your willing to announce the most important detail... the value of the settlement.

AllinFun post #95577
Monday, August 15, 2022 11:05:20 AM

any proof the settlement was with anyone outside of Cox?
none of us would and that is why we are pursuing all information and details.

any proof there was not a separate agreement in place with any of the defendants including but not limited too: Arris, Cisco, Comcast, etc.
A purchase agreement contingent upon the settlement agreement with Cox (covered by their providers indemnification clauses). This is very standard information that is missing, but yet we are told to stop looking !

AllinFun post #95570
Friday, August 12, 2022 8:57:59 AM

As explained prior - $125 million settlement makes zero sense. The $125 million settlement was likely a settlement with only Cox and then there was a separate agreement in place with the settlement to buy the patents. This is why the patents were "sold". Otherwise there would be ongoing royalties attached to the settlement. They wouldn't just settle for $125 million and allow these companies to continue using the tech for free. Not to mention $125 million is less than they were pursuing just for Cox ALONE. Cox is a tiny fraction of the problem in reference to Comcast.
there is a search for more information.

you don't get to the very end at trial where the defendant gave up on day 1 with valuation experts at trial showing at minimum $ billions in damages and then settle for $125 million. The defendant had zero leverage at that point and the defendant is loaded with cash troves. This is why there is a search for more information.