2 things can be true at the same time, and these 2 points are not mutually exclusive. Tptw can be a dumpster fire with no future, AND institutions can be buying up shares ahead of news coming out. After all, if they believe the news will drive demand up sharply and temporarily, it make sense to have a bunch of cheap shares to sell to the gullible dumdums for a quick profit. They are in the business of making money. They are just playing into the mechanics of a pump n dump scheme with the intent to profit. It's not difficult to see. When it becomes obvious that the news doesn't actually have any teeth behind it, the share price will start to fall as regular investors dump their shares to mitigate losses/maintain gains.
None of this requires tptw to be a competent company, and in fact this has been the history of tptw's share price movement over the past 2+ years.
I hope the pump works though, I've got shares to dump!