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Replies to #359 on Site Suggestions

IH Geek [Meatloaf]

10/21/22 1:43 PM

#362 RE: delerious1 #359

As of 2020, Twitter employs 1,500 content moderators. Facebook employs 15,000.

Moderation is hard. You have to walk the line between:

"Lord of the Flies" in which you have no moderation, tons of messages, none of which have any value, and most of which aren't fit to be seen by civilized people (child porn and militia seek out these environments) and:

"no one can post anything" on the other.

That in-between land is the holy grail. An abundance of thoughtful messages and civilized discourse with people who realize you can disagree without being disagreeable.

We don't always get it right, but companies with much larger budgets than we have don't either. We are working on it though.