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10/17/22 4:47 PM

#284373 RE: SSP #284370

I know right? Where has the time gone?


10/18/22 12:45 PM

#284375 RE: SSP #284370

What's happened to Jim Bishop since he retired? A lot of old-timers have moved on. This board was awesome years ago. Many great posters disappear. So sad..

Wayne R

10/21/22 3:38 PM

#284388 RE: SSP #284370

We've been doing this for 25 years or more,

Think it might be 26 or 27 for me. 28 might be pushing it. Sometime around 28 or 27 years ago I discovered Netscape. Previously I had been accessing internet using FTP etc command codes.

With Netscape browser I quickly found SI, lots of people talking about stocks and opportunities, people seemed to making money hand over fist. (actually, there were only a few cheerleaders making the money, the rest stuckholders)

So I dove in and proceeded to lose all 2000 bucks I had put into an account with TD just for SI stock tips.

Regroup, I can get this right....

Dumped everything my stock broker suckered me into in my RRSP and started really doing research and started to get things right.

Since then so much has happened that I could write a book that people would either not believe or would not comprehend.

One example would be M something. Came out saying it was doing a 1 for something forward split, I got all that was available at 15 cents. No other trades that day. Ask went to 2 bucks or so. Wondering what I bought I checked the filings, latest 8K said they wanted to raise money to rent 3 or 4 parking spaces where they could park cars they hoped to import from USA to Vancouver for resale. (I don't make this shit up)

Then it did another FS, and I sold my $900 worth of stock for $18,000.

They didn't stop there, they did another FS, and another, and eventually, apparently, became a bank in England. Ticker L something. Doesn't matter it was all BS from day one.

Had I held my $900 worth of shares until the L stage, theoretically they would have been worth in excess of $1 million.

I say theoretically because I doubt there would have been enough buyers to suck up all the shares I would have had to sell. The stock eventually went to 0.

Now, who would possibly believe this?


10/22/22 9:26 AM

#284398 RE: SSP #284370

lol, sounds like the makings of a movie sequel, like "The Hustler/The Color of Money"

Hmmmm, now what actor could play Wayne Rs character.......maybe The Rock, he's in everything.

We've been doing this for 25 years or more, so even if one was a young hustler back then at 25 years of age, 50+ now .