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10/13/22 4:23 PM

#162040 RE: foxi #162037

Many of the infm watchers were basicly watching and waiting to happen.. for 1-2 years.. and when it's finally emerging it seems most have been getting fatigued
This infm on repeat 2nd test to prove twice with countries lined up 1yr ago would be a hit out of the park ..
Think of that one ..

Plus possibly going further
relating to infm on many items that have been mentioned by COO and going back to July may have been only delayed now under NDA as deal with a milestone ( that could be repeating test showing no toxicity while taking out aids blood.levels..)

with specific countries in African regions that were waiting...backing this perspective up as a ( start in these countries line up as Said regions on the continent that has many countries ) .

this alone could be the basic hmm
_ as price gaining traction that could pop this again
as many watching see as a very significant catalyst
Add that to any analysis and explanations can come up big time