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10/13/22 12:03 AM

#377381 RE: TempePhil #377374

TempePhil, I agree with the what you posted:

Read what I said! If he has time for ctad great. That is what I said. We do not know when, or even IF he has the trial data. He might have just received the alz data today, for all we know. TLD is priority #1 !! If he can do ctad GREAT, as I said. Don't make assumptions about what he has and what he is doing.

Good luck and GOD bless,


10/13/22 8:50 AM

#377412 RE: TempePhil #377374


We do not know when, or even IF he has the trial data.

Of course we do not know what information/trial data he has or how much. But, we have strong evidence the trials were run and some results are available to him. We do not know what information he has or how conclusive it might be. All we can say w/any confidence is he must have some new information/data.

Many have probably worked/studied/watched people like Dr.M. , they are NEVER DONE ANALYZING, NOTHING IS EVER DONE-FINISHED >>>OK>>GOOD ENOUGH. There are always more, new questions. The very process of learning begets new questions is continuous. He is arguably on the tip of the spear with a point of understanding for the most complex medical/social/human need in the history of mankind and he is being asked ...(or asking himself...WELLLL???, are you done yet...EXPLETIVE ...hole???). AND...BTW, How do you know it is the RIGHT ANSWER?...WELL, you do not know yet.

He is asking himself...why do some improve and others NOT? He will never be done b/c there is no answer yet to that question. Let's hope he is not still peeling that onion and is ready to move on and to show progress with WHAT HE DOES KNOW. THAT, IS ALL WE WANT RIGHT NOW DR.M.

I am long and a strong believer in this mission. Carry on.


10/13/22 8:58 AM

#377418 RE: TempePhil #377374

If he has TLD a day before CTAD and it is the best data AD has ever seen...CTAD will accept it and bend rules to have a late, late, late, breaking presentation. It would be a huge mistake not to present there and another example of how Anavex cannot seem to get its sh!t together.