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10/12/22 2:04 PM

#377288 RE: Pipilongstocking #377287

Just the website domain name should prompt questions about source credibility.

Who is under what rock, I think should be the first question.


10/12/22 2:24 PM

#377293 RE: Pipilongstocking #377287

Please, stop reading and/or watching/listening to fake news. Get you news from honest news sources.

Vaccines are EXTREMELY SAFE and have saved millions of lives worldwide as compared to a very very small percentage of people who may have had bad reactions and even deaths after getting a vaccine. I say may because the very very very rare "bad reactions" may have been caused by unknown random causes rather than from the actual vaccines.

There is no need to worry about adverse interactions between vaccines and Anavex's Blarcamesine.

Regardless, Anavex's Blarcamesine has been very very safe and effective in all trials and Anavex 3-71 has been safe in its Phase 1 trial to judge the safety of Anavex 3-71 up to and including a dose of 200 mg per day.

Good luck and GOD bless,


10/12/22 2:32 PM

#377294 RE: Pipilongstocking #377287

Those data are totally made up.