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10/11/22 11:56 PM

#1073 RE: MasterBlastr #1072

The issue here is the virus was planed and carried out by no other than the democrats and the China people Biden is so found of.
These dumecrats are so caught up in there corruption its prideful. Including hunter Biden. So ur right once we get it all ironed out .


10/12/22 12:06 AM

#1075 RE: MasterBlastr #1072

Dude. Open your eyes man. The narrative that has been spewed like vomit over the American people and forced down our throats as facts by the MSM is at the very least, a far left skewed sense of what is really going on.

Let’s start

50 former govt agents signed a letter that the Hunter Lap top was Russian disinformation just before the 2020 election. ( the laptop has proven to be Hunters, but nothing happens to the 50 people for lying) there has been studies put out the if the voters had this information before voting, the voter would have voted for Trump. About 17%.

The Russian pee pee hoax perpetrated by the Hilary campaign proven to be false.

Biden INC, influence peddling in Ukraine as far back as when Biden was Vice President , getting a Ukrainian govt official fired for looking into the corruption in Ukraine perpetrated by US Officials, and Holding back US
funding to Ukraine til dude was fired.

Hunters no show job with Burisma at 50k a month that he is now in trouble for not paying taxes. Add in gun charge, for lying on his application about his drug use.

Man that’s just a few things. Yet everything is still Trumps fault.

My point is, you say we missed the beginning opportunity to stop the virus. Ultimately, everybody tired and nobody succeeded, But no one knows what was being ramped up and when to contain the virus, besides the people working the problem. And what we do know about the start of the pandemic and the response to it, was coming out of press rooms that are clearly biased in their reporting.

The American People never get “The True story” we get a “skewed interpretation”of a narrative put out of the MSM, of A story.