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Green Leaf Smoker

10/05/22 3:48 PM

#108661 RE: Rd56 #108660

All that are calling bluff of concrete evidence know their is NONE, thus the narrative ain't gonna share is worthless rhetoric. Just another Pathetic Volume to SP day. Looks as though the few trying to throw pennies at this POS are running out'ta pennies.


10/05/22 4:20 PM

#108669 RE: Rd56 #108660

Your sharing info with EVERYBODY.

Not just me. It's in the best interest of all the people here invested to hear any and all info. Just tell the have no link or any solid info.

When did i say I sold? I'm down to just 750K and I DO PLAN on dumping those just before financials come out. I was kind of hoping you pumpers could push this up a little higher but I'm good with whatever I get. Free shares so I don't care. I DEFINITELY do not want to be holding this when the 10K hits.

Why the beef? I hate liars. And especially liars that take peoples money and lead them to believe they will be rich. I was one of them once, still got my Philionare shirt. But after SO MANY let downs and doing my own DD and not listening to pumpers I discovered Henry has a dirty little secret that hopium smokers ignore. He has NEVER finished a single project in decades. It's all in the financial reports if you take the time to dig through them.