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10/05/22 11:35 AM

#6955 RE: elcheepo #6954

Hang on, got news for you …

GSPE has been pink sheet for a while

So now you’re all caught up on that

This will be triple 000 by year in, which then puts it into pink sheet territory, if not already, then it just becomes a gamble



10/05/22 1:21 PM

#6959 RE: elcheepo #6954

Well, maybe. Drilling exploration wells is risky enough as it is, and I fail to see how the sentiment in the market applies across the board to different companies and stocks.

GSPE is not XOM, and things that might wreck GSPE will not even cause XOM to wiggle. Some parallels perhaps, but could be apples and oranges just as easy.

So, to base investment decisions on the perceptions of others, those you do not know, and put all the money on their collective calculations, without knowing what it is they really do know, well it all sounds like a good way to lose your ‘ask’.

In conclusion, the best way to know the outcome is to drill the well. Just like the old driller’s saying, “keep it turning to the right”.

And Mr. Sietz is still doing that. There is nothing else left to say at this point.

Mrs. Smith