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10/03/22 6:22 PM

#518798 RE: skitahoe #518676


Been trying to say this for years. Linda does not want the “wrong” kind of interest buying this stock at $5. She wanted motivated folks like us to stick it out with her until the right time with big news like approval, partner or other. She thought she had a White Knight then skipped that route when that person had their own ideas and because money always wants a return sooner rather than later and Linda needed time. That meant she needed all kinds of retail investors and small funds, especially some that were well off enough (accredited) to buy directly from the company and foot the bill until the big pay day. Retail got their friends and family in along the way that weren’t all ready for the battle at times and those folks caved when the folks targeting strategic stop losses and weak handed targets did their black magic. Time and targeting happens. The good thing is that the preconditions for approval are almost all met and the hardcore crew owns the shares now. Linda will get this to her target price and partner and we all will benefit. Best wishes.