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09/28/22 10:08 PM

#425322 RE: brooklyn13 #425313

brooklyn13, "I mentioned the Australian genocide against the aborigines because I know you're Australian..."

Exactly what i said. It had nothing to do with context, ah except

"... and was trying to understand how a descendant of murderous colonizers has purchase to criticize another country's colonizing behavior...."

there you go again. You are saying one who lives in a family some of which have been guilty
of child abuse has no right to be critical of child abuse by another family. Your logic is questionable.

"...The shit that your people did all of a sudden doesn't count? Or we'll just ignore it for now? This is what I meant by historical perspective..."

And there you go again, again. Who the fuck even suggested what you said there - again. No one is ignoring it. It's just that it has nothing to do with Israel. Historical perspective when talking about Israel is what Israel has been in the past. Your reasoning there is of the child who says, but Daddy, what about what Donald is doing.

And i did not with you absolve the Palestinian leadership of anything.

"As I responded to sortagreen, the Palestinian leadership is literally stealing food and medicine from its own people, the level of graft is stupefying. It is starving its own people, killing them en masse so they can live the high life in Tangiers and wherever. But hey, look over there, the Israelis!! (this is not to excuse Israeli crimes against humanity, but to try to contextualize it in the region where it's occurring.

Yes that is the case and it is not new to the board.

"Because the media portrayals of the bad Israelis bring in the bucks. Seize the narrative and prosper. There's so much less money to be had from peace."

Yea, there would be some truth in that too. Same for war and peace in other conflicts. Much covered on this board too . A couple here
Israel Doesn't Want Peace With the Palestinians, John Kerry Says
By Carlos Ballesteros On 11/19/17 at 12:02 PM EST

In conclusion an opinion from Haaretz

Opinion | We Don’t Want Peace, but We Want the World to Keep Funding the Occupation
Nine years later, Israel’s government proclaims from every stage that its vision does not include any intention to march down the path of peace. Yet, it is nevertheless demanding that the world keep serving as the Palestinian Authority’s private charity – that is, that U.S., European and Japanese taxpayers continue to fund the occupation.
.. together here ..

Yes, of course, you can criticize Israel, but if your concern is truly for the Palestinians, why criticize only Israel? It's an unserious approach to the overall situation in my opinion."

Yet again again again you fall back on your misguided idea, "why criticize only Israel?" Even after i've given you evidence that isn't true.

"What says you about that?"

I thought i'd already said plenty on it before today. Anyway...

The Transformation of Shimon Peres
How the last of Israel's founding fathers went from "Mr. Security" to become his country's most prominent dove.

Encountering Peace: Message to Hamas, Israel leaders
By GERSHON BASKIN - 11/12/2012 23:04
If Hamas would stop smuggling weapons and focus on building rather than destroying
we could speak about a port in Gaza, and reopening the passage to the West Bank.

Was Arafat the Problem?
But wait. Didn't Barak, as his defenders say, offer Arafat land from Israel proper in return for the annexed 9 percent?
P - Yes. But the terms of the trade bordered on insulting. In exchange for the 9 percent of the West Bank annexed by Israel, Arafat would have gotten land as large as 1 percent of the West Bank. And, whereas some of the 9 percent was choice land, symbolically important to Palestinians, the 1 percent was land whose location wasn't even specified.

You'll have to take my word for the fact that leaders of both sides in the conflict have both been looked at critically here.

Maybe you have an answer to -- Is Judaism an ethnicity? A race? A nationality? Trump signs an order and provokes an identity crisis.
They want to discuss a question that’s both new and as old as Abraham: What is Judaism anyway?
P - It’s a religion, yes — but then again, many who identify as Jews aren’t religious. It’s passed down from parents to children and bears recognizable genetic characteristics — but then again, Jews come in all colors and racial backgrounds.
P - Ethnicity? Nationality? Faith? Culture? Heritage? Even Jews don’t agree on just what Judaism is. And President Trump has thrown that eternal question into sharp relief by signing an executive order meant to strengthen protections against anti-Semitism on college campuses, where the debate over Israel and Palestinian rights has grown increasingly toxic in recent years.
Trump’s order, which he signed at a White House Hanukkah party last week, says anti-Semitism is punishable under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act — a clause that deals only with race, ethnicity and nationality, not discrimination on the basis of religion. The order says Jews can be considered to have been targeted on the basis of their nationality or race as Jews.
P - Jewish Americans, who are presumably the beneficiaries, are deeply torn about what it all means.
Early Americans commonly viewed Jews as a separate racial category, wrote Yale professor of African American studies Matthew F. Jacobson, who cited a 1775 text .. .. that described “the nation of the Jews, who, under every climate, remain the same as far as the fundamental configuration of face goes, remarkable for a racial character almost universal, which can be distinguished at the first glance.”
P - That perception became far rarer after the Nazis’ racially motivated Holocaust. As the United States grew more ethnically diverse, Jewish Americans increasingly were seen as white, a characterization that brought its own awkwardness and ambivalence.
Calling Judaism a racial or ethnic identity inappropriately erases Jews of color, some say. And suggesting that the federal government considers Judaism to be a nationality or ethnicity can add to confusion that Jews already face in their schools and workplaces.


09/28/22 10:46 PM

#425327 RE: brooklyn13 #425313

Well said and true, brooklyn. Easy to criticize when you willingly ignore the obvious hypocrisy.