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09/22/22 3:02 PM

#516079 RE: Horseb4CarT #516073


Doc logic

09/22/22 10:54 PM

#516206 RE: Horseb4CarT #516073


What some discount as impossible, others dare to dream, believe and achieve. These dreamers pursue the challenge to envision what might be seen beyond the clouds of doubt that pessimists have surrendered their will to overcome to. Loathe to be deterred, fiercely pursuing the opportunity of each new day they lead us all one step closer to the better day.
Man was never meant to fly they said and land on the moon? Ludicrous!
Dr. Linda Liau and Dr. Bosch have changed the future of cancer treatment from tortuous and hopeless in many cases to flu like symptoms and cures for some to most in many cancer types and hope for all. What they and NWBO have accomplished and are in “the process” of validating will boggle the minds of the skeptics.
Leverage for NWBO will come when manufacturing certification at commercial scale is granted and demand from patients rises rapidly in all types of cancer as awareness of what having this platform means. The patience and conviction of NWBO believers will be rewarded greatly. Best wishes.


09/23/22 4:21 PM

#516383 RE: Horseb4CarT #516073

It’s not impossible

It sure is. The Company has stayed small for a reason. Whether you realize this or not, well, that ups to you. But there is a reason behind it. When is the last time NW Bio added a senior Management Position? Or any other position for that matter? This Company is not posturing to go it alone at all, in fact its the opposite.
