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09/22/22 12:51 PM

#160215 RE: foxi #160213

Yes! Thanks for sharing you are correct.

The word “snake oil” was being used for both products and I was told I wouldn’t be able to get the product delivered here.

Just wanted to confirm actual name of the product I received and show that it is FDA approved.

Great post


09/22/22 1:43 PM

#160226 RE: foxi #160213

DD on immune modulators from one of my previous posts:

First about immunomodulators. They have been offered for years and target a number of afflictions including cancer and crohn's disease. They help the body's immune system modify it's response to a specific threat. I have posted a link below as to how they work.

As you can see if you explored the link immunomodulators are used for a number of diseases. They are not a "cure" for the disease. They simply assist the body in resetting it's immune system to focus on the threat in a specific way. It helps to treat the symptoms and creates a "firewall" against the threat. It's not a cure because it must be given consistently to maintain the body's immune system to the threat. The immunomodulator is developed to target and neutralize the threat.
ENZC has developed an immunomodulator that assists with the neutralization of Herpes and Covid-19. Here are where things get interesting and, if you ae willing to take the time, exciting for the long term with their product. Below is the link to the Enzoimmune Active site.

Going from left to right on the site you can see the different products with a link to read the report on the Bulgarian findings. The research was lead by Dr. Iva Hrisova, M.D. of Sofia University in Sofia Bulgaria. She is a professor there as well as the Director of The National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. I will give you the information that I was able to glean. The english version of the results are first followed by the Bulgarian results they were translated from.
I will begin right to left to address ENZC's Immunomodulator for Covid-19. They ran their tests against Remdesivir (RDV), which is one of the leading anti-viral drugs being used to treat Covid in the US. Their tests on cytotoxicity were accomplished using MTT analysis which is accepted internationally. RDV was compared against ENZC's inactivated pepsin fragment (IPF). Without getting into all of the metrics and testing platforms the most important information is delivered on page 9 on the results of cytotoxicity. The results show that RDV is 100 times more toxic that IPF. IPF also was "nontoxic" after 102 hours of testing. Page 11 will give you a visual with the slides from the tests. So for Covid-19 ENZC's product is nontoxic.
For Herpes Simplex IPF went up against Acyclovir(ACV), which is the leading treatment for Herpes in the US and requires a prescription. Page nine results show ACV to be 30 times more toxic that IPF. IPF showed no toxicity after 72 hours, which is the definable metric for these results. If you are a visual person results in the form of slides are available on pages 10 and 11. So for Herpes Simplex ENZC's product is nontoxic.
The final report concerning cytotoxicity is the report on the left and is on the official letterhead of The National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases for the country of Bulgaria. Page 1 of the results speaks to the reason why something nontoxic is so important when treating a disease under Relevance of the problem. I am a cancer survivor and if you, or someone you know, has ever been subjected to chemotherapy treatment you know that chemo is designed to kill the cancer cells at the risk of killing the patient due to it's toxicity. They state on pages 5 and 6 that IPF show no toxicity after 96 hours. They also mention their metrics measured to ISO 10993 which is the international standard for toxicity studied by medical device. Their final conclusion on page 9 states that IPF shows no toxicity up to 96 hours with dosages administered between 0.0001 and 5mg/ml.

So what does it all mean? To me it means that ENZC has completed some pretty sophisticated studies using a number of internationally accepted metrics to prove that IPF is nontoxic and effective in the treatment of Herpes Simplex and Covid-19. It also states that IPF in nontoxic in and of itself which means it should be nontoxic if used in other applications. This will bode well, in my opinion, for their carrying over results to this side of the pond as they seek FDA approval. Things move slow in the medical field/industry because things have to be right. The US has such a, I will be nice here, lengthy process for bringing a product to market. What I have taken from these studies is that ENZC is doing the work on the medical/research side. They are definitely checking the boxes. These were great results. I hope this helps. I have appreciated all of the DD submitted by so many of you that are here for the long haul and wanted to add to the file. Have a great day everyone.