If they’re savvy like that, they know fair value marketcap is in the BILLIONS$$ with multiple multiBILLION$$ smart city projects currently in the works along with first SuperAPP in U.S. making global BILLION$$ bucks
Nintendo has huge global-revenues. TPTW has dimwit-parrot that craps on itself. There is no comparison LOL.
All it takes is to snap out of the delusional fantasies for one moment to realize this is nothing but a SLOW-MOTION DILUTION SHARE-SELLING SCAM run by that mediocre twitter pumper frankie and his halfwit boss OTC-dumdum-tee-fee-scammer ST3 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
There is a reason why that TEE-FEE SCAMMER ST3 sold shares to TOXIC FUNDER White Lion for par value of 0.001 that white lion is now dumping on the furiously dumdums LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
$TPTW a toast to all those pumpy PRs dimwit parrot frankie squawks about and all those converting notes (DILUTION IS THE SOLUTION) that help pay ST3 house rent, tee fee, and family welfare LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL