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09/20/22 3:08 PM


What's the FEMA-deal? Another SCAM I missed? LOL

Looking at level 2 quotes, TOXIC FUNDER white lion is not pulling any punches either now. They are furiously flinging this feces at any dumdums who still bid on this turd LOL. After that "national conference call" (*snicker snicker*), they know there's no hope left for this ABJECT FAILURE.

OTC-dumdum-tee-fee-scammer ST3 and his dimwit parrot mediocre-twitter-pumper frankie have failed to produce any meaningful pumps for a while now... after SIX years of working on SUPER-CRAPP, the only thing those two scammers could produce was one blurry screenshot.... dumdums ain't falling for that anymore LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

I was expecting it to take several weeks to hit the 0.003-0.002s, but the way white lion is evacuating no the dumdums, if could even be this week... one could even say, it is moving towards trips at LIEGHTSPEED LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

$TPTW a toast to all those pumpy PRs dimwit parrot frankie squawks about and all those converting notes (DILUTION IS THE SOLUTION) that help pay ST3 house rent, tee fee, and family welfare LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL