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11/05/03 6:37 PM

#16809 RE: tampa123 #16805

tampa--You write: "I can't wait until our investments reflect what we both believe Wave can become. It's not a difference of opinion, it's fact versus forward-looking."

One reason why it is (almost) always a pleasure to debate you is that we rarely talk past each other. I never have to waste 80% of my reply re-explaining what I meant.

I passionately agree with ever word of that post, except for your final phrase, which you've thrown in my direction quite a few times the past week, namely, "'s fact versus forward-looking."

I think it would be more fair to revise it to "it's a fact Vs very compelling evidence."

Compare the Evidence we collectively had back in Oct 99 with the of creation of TCPA Vs the Evidence that sits piled up in front of us today. It makes me shudder!!!

Does Compelling Evidence = Fact? Absolutely not. But I firmly believe the Compelling Evidence is there, indeed, if I believe the Evidence to be Overwhelming. And I believe most of it is right under our collective NOSES. And those who Don't Get It, probably just need a nose job.

I like the odds. I like them so damn much, I'm betting heavily that WAVE will succeed in a very, very, very, very big way. And even BIGGER THAN THAT!!!