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08/29/22 2:53 PM

#422300 RE: livefree_ordie #422297

Sad you think America is a third world nation, maybe by your standards, whatever your standards are.

So now everyone who crosses get food stamps, medical, education. So much for your food stamp argument.

All over the world people move around, when Ukraine fell to the Russian invasion, bordering countries took in millions, but America did not. Sure some finally made it to American borders, but you have a problem with that. Most people who move around Cental and South America stay, once again the number is in the millions.

Once again you now want to always concern ourselves with thousands.

Think you better look at wages, America might have the lead, but when you compare it to the countries GDP, America does not look that good.,%20%204.56%25%20%2022%20more%20rows%20

Those European countries are so much better when compared to GDP

The world has a population

In the big picture 96.5 % of the worlds population stay in their own countries, but 3 1?2 % does move around for all kinds of reasons. That is almost 272 million people, and once again you think America is being overwhelmed.
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08/29/22 3:04 PM

#422301 RE: livefree_ordie #422297

you are totally off base with your nonsense. Food stamps? Do you know how hard the process is for someone to receive SNAP benefits? They process you and check your status every six months and it is impossible for a non-citizen to receive them.

Free health care? That's a bunch of bullshit too. Of course anyone can walk into a hospital and get treated for whatever but there's a bill to pay, fuck, even I don't get it for free and I have some pretty good insurance. A non- citizen can't even purchase insurance here unless it's on a rider and is not given some kind of special deal.

and as far as voting goes, I want you to show me one case where someone who is not a legal citizen cast a vote. Just one. You can't because it's impossible for that to happen but yet you and your buddies claim millions of cases without any proof. They audited elections and hand counted ballots in how many contested states last time and couldn't prove a fucking thing that you spew.

It's a joke and whatever you are buttthurt about should just stay in your own neighborhood and not be taken out on the rest of us.
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08/29/22 3:08 PM

#422302 RE: livefree_ordie #422297

My problem is that republicans supported the last president no matter how many times he broke the law. I continue to have this problem with republicans who still support trump, the man has done so many criminal activities during his four years in office, and he is still doing them, and republicans do not give a shit.

I will not list them all because it takes too long, and republicans just dismiss them all because they do not give a shit about America.

Even this latest episode of classified documents is being defended by republican politicians and his supporters. Republicans always look the other way no matter how many investigations demonstrated that trump acted illegally.

The January Insurrection was the worse example of Trump's criminal activities, it is called the peaceful transition of power, the bedrock of American democracy. But again, republicans do not give a shit, even thou over 1000 people have now been arrested, and over 500 have been found guilty, and most of those are now in jail.

I have even more problems with republicans who can never do anything to stop the daily gun violence in America. Here in the south almost anyone can possess and carry a gun, and the crime rate keeps going up, and innocent Americans keep dying by the 1000s. Republicans do not give a shit about how many Americans die each day, or how many mass shootings happen each week.

the 2nd Amendment says

A well regulated militia has the right to bare arms.

In Tennessee we have kids walking around with weapons everywhere, and guess what, they settle arguments by having shoot outs.