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08/29/22 12:43 AM

#82507 RE: jmc46 #82506

JMC- The short answer is NO.... we STILL do not have any status on when the Kiln will be delivered and integrated and Demo testing commencement.....maybe this coming week, hope springs eternal!! . I saw an article recently (shared by a MB member) that said that the demo testing infrastructure was being set up in January of this year.... That would mean that we have been waiing for 8 months for the Kiln to be integrated into the testing hardware - for 8 months now!!

Needless to say, this Kiln supply quagmire situation has been front/center in people's minds as it is the 'gating factor'/prerequisite for beginning the demo testing... I, as many others i'm sure, are VERY EAGER to get a status on this and to get the demo testing started.

Without much to go on, we are left to speculate and SWAG, so here's mine- i am hoping that this 7 week window (leading up to the REE Conference) we are entering this week- will be jam packed with milestone check off's, including:

- Demo testing started (PR) indicating start date within next week
- 2-3 weeks of Demo testing of REE's with PR upon testing completed
- Updating FS with results from the long awaited and FINALLY COMPLETED Demo test (PR Release)
- Possible Finance announcement post FS update ( 2-3 wks. after FS update)

IMHO- We would definitely want to have AT LEAST the news that NIO will pursue REE's AND the associated REE spec's, i.e., quantities, associated revenues, OPEX/CAPEX, processing details, purity levels, etc. etc... when MS speaks at the Conf. on Oct. 17th

Additionaly- they may have procured FINANCING before the conference and MS can tout that at the conf. as well as on every news outlet...... I am quite sure JIM S. and crew know how to strike when the iron is hot and upon financing, execute on maximum broadcast of the message- taking full advantage of the state of the REE supply lines, our financing could be positioned as 'The Calvalry is coming' and NIOCORP is coming to the rescue..... etc. etc... yadda yadda.... It really is that critical of a 'development' in the critical mineral industry..... Hopeful that we play it for every PR minute we can get on the world stage!! cuz the world is in dire shape with the current state of Critical Element supplies....

They just need to push the ball in from the 3 yard line where we are stuck at now...




Wake me up when the Kiln gets here.... and be careful unpacking the %^$# thing.... we do not want to have to back order another one and wait 9 months again... UGH.....!!