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08/23/22 8:23 AM

#157655 RE: foxi #157618

Good post FOXI...! GO ENZC


08/23/22 8:43 AM

#157657 RE: foxi #157618

I ask the question, how many vague, meaningless terms will shareholders accept from the company before they see through the bull? The answer appears to be this many, and the many more to come!

Hasn't "days and weeks ahead" taught shareholders anything?

No one can see that "ongoing and near completion" it just as meaningless and vague?

No one can see that "finalizing" is just as meaningless and vague?

How about " testing and use of the therapeutics are expected to be made possible ", and just as hilarious "plans are in place to proceed"? Now there's something you can hang your hat onto, right? LOL Yet they are quoted on this very board as if they were progress! This is beyond ridiculous!

NOT ONE shareholder will stand up and say date "xxxx" is the latest date that those meaningless phrases can mean! It was attempted back after the "days and weeks ahead" to say it meant 2 months max, which then was conveniently taken back... after 2 months. lol

I'll tell you, this company knows how to string along shareholders. If I didn't read the words, I'd say "no this is fiction, they don't really believe this. It's an act"

As I have said, there is a price for wearing blinders and not seeing plain in your face bull from the company. That price is a declining stock price!

Wishing, hoping and dreaming, while ignoring the reality of the failures of this company is NOT a valid investing strategy!

WE WILL SEE LOWER PRICES! Markets teach expensive lessons.


08/23/22 8:53 AM

#157658 RE: foxi #157618

"It's unfortunate the company didn't shoot straight about its challenges and setbacks during the year so far. Omitting the bad news until the last moment, and padding the good news in the meantime, sends the impression of deceit."

No, it is not "unfortunate", it is typical conceived and planned pink sheet exec strategy. THEY KNOW what they can get away with in dealing with shareholders! THIS is the one thing that they are good at!

"Sends the IMPRESSION OF DECEIT", but not deceit itself? LOL

That's a top 10'er!

ENZC is my favorite disaster to follow!


08/23/22 9:56 AM

#157662 RE: foxi #157618

Outstanding Post Foxi! This is what I've been trying to convey, but you've done so perfectly. Point being that I don't think that those of us who are frustrated beyond believe right now, would be this way, had they just been fully truthful and transparent from the beginning, instead of the hype + omitting + padding + over-promise/under-deliver route that they've chosen...

Also, as you've alluded to, we still have not gotten an accurate/truthful update regarding the audit. And yes, NPI? Also, what about all of those supposed big name retailers that were interested in carrying IPF? I guess they didn't work out, so rather than update shareholders, they just drop it and stop talking about it, hoping that we forget?

Like you've stated, their tech could be world and industry changing, but it won't make a lick of difference, if somebody else beats them to market.

For 18+ months straight now, we've watched the pps being driven into the ground day after day, week after week, month after month. We see a hard push down, then a fabricated ceiling established, then some sideways-down trading for 1-2 weeks, which pads the RSI a little, setting them up for the next ceiling-drop. Wash + Rinse + Repeat = where we're at right now, with no end in site.

Omitting the bad news until the last moment, and padding the good news in the meantime, sends the impression of deceit. Maybe as management builds experience, communication will get stronger. ENZC has a great portfolio of technologies, and this could carry them far, but communication and reputation are critical components to success.