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08/11/22 5:40 PM

#112812 RE: samsamsamiam #112810

If you are a humble native, you didn't buy at the top. The natives by definition were there early on... maybe at .0004ish? Maybe at .01 even. If they bought at $5 or higher, they need to consider a new career. The charts were screaming sell at that time.


08/11/22 5:46 PM

#112814 RE: samsamsamiam #112810

I gotta say that I used to really respect your DD. Thinking that the class action has legs... I just shake my head.

As for the cancelling the ETX. Current law still makes the ETX not a security as HMBL was basically bundling the underlying product. The SEC decided to interpret things a bit differently because they don't know how to handle - and basically keep controlling these new products. The questions about NFT's on the S1 were also revealing concerning the SEC's understanding of this new market. I personally believe that it will take some court cases and smarter people to finally figure out how the SEC should handle things. What should have been pretty straight forward, may take a few years now. Not really HMBL's doing. Their putting things on hold kept them from being the first test case.