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08/07/22 8:57 PM

#111535 RE: StocktonCA #111531

That's a very likely scenario. Very likely. Indeed.


08/07/22 9:18 PM

#111538 RE: StocktonCA #111531

But what does that mean to those of us here who own X number of RGBP Shares, or what does that equate to for us?

For example, let's say a Shareholder owns 100k RGBP purchased at .01/PPS.

IF RGBP were to be "bought out" for $5/Share, as you suggest may happen, how does that work for us? Wouldn't that depend on the "split" the Buying Company would give us current RGBP Shareholders? For instance, it would give X number of its Shares, at whatever PPS it determines, for every 10 Shares we own in RGBP, perhaps?

But, if we use your example of $5/PPS, applied to my example above of a Shareholder owning 100k RGBP purchased at .01, what would he end up with after this Buy-Out? And afterward, if Institutions would bring the PPS to $30, as you suggest, how would that be entered into the equation for this particular Shareholder in this example?

Thank you for clarifying your comment.


08/08/22 12:58 AM

#111548 RE: StocktonCA #111531

Great Post!

I concur 100%

The recent Historical Sloan Kettering New York clinical trial utilizing a Check Point Inhibitor derived Monoclonal Antibody "Dostarlimab", via I.V. infusion that resulted in 100% cure of deadly colon cancer in all 14 patients, is a hands down testimony to the power of Check Point Inhibitor Immunotherapy that's now a matter of scientific-clinical record. The first ever in the cure-full remission of a well known deadly cancer that ranks #2 in the world as the most deadly cancer known. Lung cancer is #1.

What this represents is a "Paradigm Shift" in the Clinical Practice of medicine where historically deadly or incurable diseases in particular cancers, can now be cured via Check Point Inhibitor Immunotherapy.

I've been saying this repeatedly for a very long time that the day is going to soon come when incurable diseases, in particular deadly cancers, will be easily cured or controlled via advancing biotechnology, and that FINALLY JUST HAPPENED like I said it would and this is owed to my professional background as a physician-Big Pharma Industry Principal Investigator who has designed and conducted scores of BP clinical trials and is steep in Biotechnology Research that extends to molecular biology.

We are going to see more of this as the knowledge of Immunotherapy progresses relative to dozens of types of cancers. But curing deadly colon cancer is a great start!

Regen Biopharma had collaboration with Eli Lilly back in 2016 over their Check Point Inhibitor NR2F6 which they share common IP claim on, and it was Lilly that approached Regen to enter into a collaboration on a drug discovery program whereby Lilly provided Regen 21,000 Lilly-owned compounds in its NR2F6 high-throughput screening program in an attempt to identify "Activators" & "Inhibitors" of this protein.

Fast forward to today, the Check Point Inhibitor that Lilly & Regen have joint IP Claim on but relative to different pathways, may be the "pieces of the puzzle" that will reveal a capacity to cure a broader range of cancers than colon cancer revealed in the Sloan Kettering clinical trial. Therefore, it would behoove Lilly to Buy Out Regen if for anything, just to own Regen's IP which could prove of epic value to them in the Trillion Dollar Range upon reaching Market. Either way, Regen will go forward with or without Lilly and I would be surprise if Regen is soon acquired by a Large Cap BP like Gilead Sciences, who in 2017 acquired Kite Pharma for nearly $12 Billion that included their mRNA Cancer Vaccine IP. If Eli Lilly isn't careful they're going to miss a serious opportunity to own Regen's Check Point Inhibitor IP which recently transitioned into a Master Patent when Dr. Koos filed the updated patent for:

"mRNA Cancer Vaccine Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy" which is a "clinical use" application. This type of patent will require any pharmaceutical company that develops an mRNA Cancer Vaccine to pay Regen Royalties if they develop a Checkpoint Inhibitor as an Immunotherapy, Merk did the same thing in 1989 when they were granted an exclusive clinical use "Master Patent" for HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor which is the basis for ALL Statins on the Market today of which there are at least 5. Each Big Pharma that manufactures an HMG Co-A Reductase Inhibitor (i.e. a Statin) under their exclusive formulary are still required to pay Merk Royalities to this very day. That patent earned Merk over $500B in revenues owed to their Master Patent. The same will apply to Regen's Master Patent IP clinical application of an mRNA Cancer Vaccine Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy described above. Dr. Koos revealed his foresight and genius in doing this!

So yes, a Buy Out for $5+ Dollars is not at all unreasonable. In fact it's a frickin bargin when you consider that this single Patent has a global Market Capacity in the Trillion Dollar Range that can be straight up owned by a Big Pharm who moves quickly to acquire Regen Biopharma just like Gilead Science did in 2017 when they acquired Kite for $11.9 Billion to be exact!

Thank you for your valuable input!

Best wishes well and prosper

Best wishes well and prosper