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08/07/22 5:41 PM

#502281 RE: CrashOverride #502274


I really don't fear the FlaskWorks device being stolen, I believe we have excellent coverage under our patents and believe that few can make the disposable cassettes. We could make many millions if someone tried to rip off the device rather than looking to purchase or lease it from NWBO.

I believe the FlaskWorks units will become it's own profit center at NWBO. The device itself may actually be modified to suit the manufacture of competitors products, but isn't it nice to be paid for products being made by others.

I suspect that FlaskWorks will become a division of NWBO over time, and it will become a very profitable division as more personalized products are advanced through the clinic. Control, to assure that every batch is accounted for, could be done in part by the electronics built into the unit, as well as by the control of the disposable cassettes used with the unit. I believe the risk of reusing the disposable cassettes would be quite high, I'm uncertain if each has an identity that registers with the unit, or not, but it could be done, much in the way print cartridges are identified in printers.

It's my belief that once the FlaskWorks unit has been approved you'll not see any DCVax being made in cleanrooms at all. I don't know if UCLA will be provided with the unit, or if they'll get their vaccine from the company, but I suspect once it's available, that's all that will be used. I also believe that the product itself is purer, if true that's an added benefit.
