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08/07/22 5:22 PM

#111527 RE: Lolo12 #111513

That's a very big probability seeing that Lilly lost $900M in the partnership with Curevac to develop an mRNA Cancer Vaccine that went bust due to faulty research data on Curevac's behalf. They ended their partnership abruptly in June 2020 that started in 2017, so quite naturally Lilly would naturally set their sights on returning to their former partnership with RGBP now that the company is much further along AND has filed a Master Use IP claim for:

mRNA Cancer Vaccine Check Point Inhibitor Immunotherapy! The ONLY one in existence! This IP has a Trillion Dollar Market potential, due to it being a Master Use clinical application for cancer immunotherapy by mRNA Vaccine.

It's important to keep in mind Lilly's had prior collaboration with RGBP over molecular structures related to their joint claim on NR2F6 which is why one of Lilly's Senior Executives sat on Regen's Scientific Advisory Board as a "Science Officer" who also bought at least 6 M Shares of RGBP Stock which is a matter of record on an SEC filing years ago. His first name if I recall is Jean Pierre

So yes, IMO Eli Lilly has every reason to return to Regen to continue their joint collaboration if not straight up Buy Out the company just to own all of Regen's Valuable Disruptive Biotechnology IP of which there are at least 20.