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08/07/22 11:35 AM

#502192 RE: sentiment_stocks #502108

senti, the culture cartridge is the heart of the EDEN system, where a patient’s monocytes are loaded into, and sit for days to differentiate into dendritic cells. It’s the large clear plastic container on the right side of the system shown here:

The reason that I pointed out that there is only one culture cartridge is because biosectinvestor disagreed with me about the number of culture cartridges the commercial system has. The EDEN system in this picture that Lykiri found, is the same device that was pictured in the ASCO presentation, which only had one culture cartridge. That discussion is here:

The significance of the number of cartridges is that one cartridge is used for each patient’s treatment, so the more cartridges a system has, then the more treatments that could be manufactured at the same time. Ideally, an industrial commercial system would be much larger and have multiple culture cartridges so that multiple patient’s treatments could be cultured simultaneously. biosect seems to think that the commercial system has been more fully developed than was pictured at ASCO, into that ideal industrial system.

However, I’m pretty confident that the Flaskworks’ system that has been validated and tested at Sawston over the past year, is in fact, the EDEN system pictured here. I believe that at least a handful were installed for an initial automated production line at Sawston, and this is the automated process that Advent will use to apply for a commercial manufacturing license. Since there’s only one culture cartridge in this EDEN system, it can only culture a single patient’s treatment at a time, so ~250 of these EDEN devices would eventually be needed to meet the capacity of 1000 patients per month at Sawston.