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08/06/22 10:09 PM

#385454 RE: HDGabor #385451

I actually was not suggesting it was them. They are a multi-billion industry that should be the real target here for ethical journalists as their product is useless or even harmful for the millions who take it. Why the FDA has not acted is beyond me.

My point was Amarin's sales are a rounding error compared to them, yet the company always seems to be on the receiving end of awful press. If Nissen, Herper, Krumholz etc really cared about patients they would actually take the fish oil industry to task for peddling snake oil.

I have no idea if the past month is just coincidence, but for a small biotech that has minimal sales it sure manages to be lightning rod for hit pieces that consistently kill the SP.

Someone called the Atlantic with an agenda. They did not just stumble on this story.


08/07/22 9:26 AM

#385467 RE: HDGabor #385451

HDG - Did I say the Fish Oil industry lead the corruption? Historically, it's been BP putting it's thumb on the scale. Amarin was, and still is an easy target. Raf would likely have the article to repost from over two years ago, where the author found that 25% percent of the Judges presiding over publicly traded company cases owned stock in those companies. When you have such evidence of fact and the system moves on without any citation, nor reprecussions, then yes, Amarin was a victim of corruption.

Dr. Jonathan McGreevey, who has his PhD from John Hopkins Biochemistry (emphasis on bio weapons research), worked for the FBI coumter-intel for 20 or 25 years. He amassed enormous evidence i.e. recordings, finger prints, surveillance, documents, etc.. as part of his Whistleblower under oath testimony, where he states: Under Rod Rosenstein's leadership and direction, his group known as the dirty tricksters worked for 10 years to accomplish the goal of capturing and compromising 25% of the Fed Circuit through the use of forced child rape at gunpoint, on video, even murdering the child. At times the Judge's family would be forced to listen in the next room. Bribing was also used.

So one should ask, how can anyone trust having that knowledge, believe any case could be free of neferious agendas? So if I had to guess, which of the Federal Circuit Judges could be under such control, Judge Dyke would be my first choice followed by Reyna. I listened two both oral arguments with these two clowns, and anyone who knew the basics of the case should have wondered, did these two Judges seriously handle the cases like they just did? They were clearly derilict to say the least. Finally, 12 Judges supposedly at chosen at random, the same two from the previous appeal miraculously end up presiding over the Marjac case. That wasn't by chance.