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08/06/22 11:11 AM

#501915 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

The biggest proof your post is right is that the NYAS ‘was not for shareholders’ argument was only developed abs deployed only well after it became clear no journal article was coming to retrieve the fiasco (from a shareholder point of view).


08/06/22 11:18 AM

#501917 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

This narrative is 100% against the facts. Presentation on 3rd party website. nothing PR'd by nwbo about the actual TLD. Just a link to a 3rd party website.


08/06/22 11:18 AM

#501918 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

The idea NWBO wants anything public is FICTION. They have been accused by many to be to secretive and never saying anything. The PR was forced. Why else so short, strickly factual as to title and no mention of TLD.

I admit my role in the 'promoting' the event. I posted the twitter video of Dr. Cloughsey saying TLD by LL at NYAS. That got 5,000+ views in 24 hours... WTF... why so many?? Well, 1st, longs can't get enough content. 2nd, short sellers need an "event" or a "PR" to give legal cover for their deeds. This is why so many who don't like the company are alwasy saying "give me a PR", or "Why don't they PR that"... I see this everyday on iHub.

When I posted it, I was naive and had no idea. I take 100% responsibility for 5/10/22.


08/06/22 11:19 AM

#501919 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

Jerry, absolutely correct- when the company has a pr that links the user to tld presetation then tld is out. If they wanted to pretend tld is not out then they would not put out a pr with the link. It is not unusual to have an investigator present. What is unusual is for the company to not include at least the 13% 5 year survival in the pr as a bragging point. Perhaps when the elusive journal is one day published they will but imo they missed an opportunity to provide substantial shareholder value. Just look at the 1 year chart - not very favorable. Some here say look at ytd and is almost flat (down a little) but I normally look at 3 month 6 month and 1 year. A person can make any cas they want - $0.14 to $0.66 or $12.54 down to $0.66
I have purchased at both $0.14 as a low and at $10.00 as my highest, would be a dream if my $10.00 shares could get to even. I was hoping nwbo on May 10th would have been a repeat of amrn that went up 4x on release of summary tld - oh well.....


08/06/22 11:49 AM

#501925 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

TLD is not “released” by the company and this is a fact. It was presented by the scientists at a narrowcast scientific event with an admission and never PR’d in regards to its results nor is the company discussing the results. The presentation and the slides were only put out by a third-party and clearly the company wanted it done this way so that they can have strategic discussions, but no press can or will cover it because it is embargoed information.

It doesn’t matter that current shareholders know it and a few other very narrow people, the world does not know it. That is what release means, when the information has been fully released it will be an entire process that is about maximizing coverage and discussion and that had not happened yet.

I know shorts want people to believe the release happened and the world yawned, that’s it so sell is your shares now, for as little as possible. But that basically is not the actual story.

There are a few who claim it was released because they hate the management team and basically want to set this up for a quick, cheap acquisition once they decapitate the company. That is definitely not happening. But it helps the short argument to keep the price down by suggesting management is “incompetent” and “the release was a disaster”. That is also not true. If they had released it, the actual summary of the results would be in the PR, they’d not be pointing to a non-profit website that has the presentation and slides liked, and they would be discussing the contents of their own PR, and an article, with the media.

Every news organization understands this except the perverse Adam Feuerstein who needs this to be perceived as a failure since that Washington Post article (and the public interest organization CREW) that referenced his attacks on NWBO to call him out for being a shill for shorts and asked the SEC to investigate him. It’s all about his reputation and ego.

But the reality is, we wait still for publication and the end of the embargo and a straight PR release actually announcing the results.

People can say otherwise until the cows come home, but it won’t change the reality.


08/06/22 12:06 PM

#501934 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

Must there only be one audience? That was a heck of a venue.


08/06/22 12:09 PM

#501935 RE: JerryCampbell #501913

The idea that NYAS was not intended for shareholders is 100% fiction. It does not fit the facts because nwbo PR'd the NYAS presentation in advance 5/4/22, and also PR'd how to find the results 5/10/22.

There was also a lot of shares printed around then. Both newly sold and warrant conversions.

Odd how often these "short attacks" align with shares being sold from the company.

One might think the warrant holders could be short.