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08/06/22 10:34 AM

#501903 RE: LearningEveryTrade #501899

Plenty of other folks have called Les Goldman and now David Innes every few months and gotten sweet nothings and seen how ‘upbeat’ they are only to see months pass with no solid execution. These folks hint and weave and dodge and help shareholders get their confirmation bias fix and build castles in the air and provide no meaningful information or worse, once the passage of time strips all things bare as it always does with NWBO - a misleading impression on how well things are going and how imminent news is.

Why was Les Goldman upbeat 5 years ago and where are we now? Either even he did not know where they were
he was or where he was going just placating callers when he knew better. Either option is bad which is why they got David Innes who it was hoped would be a straigh(er) shooter but says even less of substance.

So calling folks to have them mislead me is unnecessary. I’ll feel good for a minute and as time passes and shows the truth the whiplash is brutal.