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08/05/22 7:33 PM

#202172 RE: janice shell #202170

It is the dried kernals removed from the cob mechanically.

When I was a Kidd, I used a hand-cranked corn sheller to make shelled corn from stored field corn onna cob (from bins or cribs) to use as part of a feed mix for piggies. Every ... freakin ... day. Do you have any idea what a barn on a pig farm smells like on a hott summer day??? The smell of pig shit is about one of the worst ag smells I know of in Norte Americano. And it getts into your clothes and skin. An hour long swim afterwards will cool ya off, butt the smell lingers. You need to gett a long hot soapy shower and that is still imperfect.

Dairy smells better (Smell Our Dairy Air!) butt then you hafta deal with the prep and cleanup of the milking parlour and equipment twice a day. The win is growing corn solely for ethanol. Animal husbandry is a chore-and-a-haff. Fun butt messy and smelly, butt animules are funny sumtines.